Recent content by Rothir

  1. R

    Which computer chair do you use? Needs to be poopsock viable

    When I started working from home nearly 3 years ago, I ended up switching out my generic office chair for a Herman Miller Aeron. Been in it probably 10 hours a day for the last 3 years. No regrets. I'd say having a forward tilt is pretty much essential for any office/gaming chair ...
  2. R

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    The weirdest thing about it is them drawing the diagrams about eye distances and trying to explain why they would pick left side for TV and middle for PC. No matter the distance your eyes are from the screen there will always be a further distance to move your eyes to the corner from the...
  3. R

    What vehicle do you drive?

    I'm a Hyundai fan. Drove a 2008 Elantra for 135k miles with basically no problems. Super reliable car. Finally got rid of it, but stayed in the same family and bought a Genesis G80. Really happy with it so far. Don't have a picture but there are plenty online.
  4. R

    Lurkers and occasional posters unite!

    Been around since '99 and the noows days. Rarely post. Mostly just read the MMO, PC and mobile game forums (and screenshots).
  5. R

    Wow. I don't really feel like going through the effort of proving this, but the girl he is joking about dying of cancer (his childhood friend) was my wife. We met playing EQ back in '99. She died of breast cancer back in June 2015 (at 39) that had metastasized to her lungs and eventually her...
  6. R

    Epic Seven

    I pulled Dark Corvus .. what a let down. Looking through research he looks like he could be OK in PvP, but only with phenomenal gear and a healthy investment in his skills. Hopefully they rework him in the future because set next to something like ML Ken, or even Lorina he is disappointing for...
  7. R

    Project Gorgon, round 2.

    I played it a month ago or so. I had played it a couple years before and still was able to access the game for free. I never made it off the starter island (originally it was a short cave tutorial and you were done). It is impressive knowing how small a team has worked on it, but it just felt...
  8. R

    Albion Online

    I know other mods who don't agree with muting for this. Nothing wrong with not wanting a bunch of people who can't speak your language in your group. These are all player, volunteer mods .. so get what you get, SJWs included.
  9. R

    Albion Online

    Good decision or not, they went back on a promise. The week before they were doing a very heavy sell on the founders packs, even implying that they would get in the game before the starter packs. They have also stated that with the new influx of people from starter packs the servers will most...
  10. R

    Albion Online

    I've been getting a bad feeling that this game was going to be a cash grab for a while now. After what they have done today, I think they are pretty close to confirming it. They reneged on giving Founders packs a head start over the new "Starter" packs and have everyone starting on the same...
  11. R

    Albion Online

    Definitely looking forward to launch finally. Took 3 days off work. And .. Ah .. Exodia. I'm one of the founders of Tea Party. See you at launch =)
  12. R

    Albion Online

    Yeah, they definitely are listening .. they just have no ability to predict. Hence the comments about reactionary development. I really do love playing the game, I just don't have much faith that they can get it "right". They are definitely trying hard, and working their asses off. They just...
  13. R

    Albion Online

    Totally agree that the black zone cities are worthless. Also, I'm taking it from the point of view of someone who spends 95%+ of their time in black zones, and never flags in red. I've got the highest reputation rating, so I'm perfectly fine with Fort Sterling being the main hub. I will admit...
  14. R

    Albion Online

    I actually enjoy the game, and have been playing for a while. Started off with KDS and am one of the founding members of Tea Party. With that said, what uniqueuser posted hits the state of development right on the head. The dev team is wholly reactionary and seems to lack any foresight at...
  15. R

    Albion Online

    Raw materials are always the most profitable. Refined materials sell quicker, and are easier to transport from black zones (if you are refining in guild territories), but you get less than the individual components. The bonus to refined mats is with focus/black zone refining stations allows...