Recent content by Sahryx

  1. Sahryx

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    Watching a video on board games and find one thinking “Oh that sounds really good! I will have to pick that up.” Only to find said game is out of print and pretty scarce - rustled.
  2. Sahryx

    IOS / Android - Alchemist Code - [Tactics JRPG]

    Avery ~ What was your secret to finding soul shards for Reagan’s limit break? I have no quests I can grind and the prismatic ones seem too rare to blow on this.
  3. Sahryx

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Baron Karza? In my 80's cartoons? It is more likely than you think. Or maybe not - if there had been a Micronauts cartoon in the 80's I would have known about it. Last I heard was some attempt at maybe JJ Abrams trying to do a non comic book adaptation on it. Made me look none the less.