
Looking forward to playing on Agnarr. I originally played Everquest from 2001 to 2003 on The Tribunal server. I have played dozens of MMO's since then, but nothing captures the feeling of Everquest except Everquest. I have dabbled in Emus here and there, but havent played Live since GoD first came out.

I am married with 3 children all under the age of four. I will be a casual player, but likely play every night from 8pm CST to midnight. I would love to hardcore it, but it wont happen while the kids are still so young.

My plan is to 2 box on Agnarr, so that I can group whenever I want, and solo (2 box) when I dont have time, or dont feel like grouping. I'd like to eventually join a guild and raid a bit, but not as a second job.

I am still bouncing around what classes I want to start with, and the leading 2 box contender is Mage / Druid for maximum easy level 50 and then farm for classes that I really want to play as single boxes in groups and raids.
St. Louis
I.T. Systems Engineer