Recent content by tkon

  1. tkon

    Escape from Tarkov

    This is the best patch Tarkov has had and seems like they're finally aligning their vision with changes the community has wanted for awhile.
  2. tkon

    VALORANT - Riot Games

    Game looks super legit. Glad to see gameplay coming first.
  3. tkon

    Project 99 - Green Server announcement

    Been enjoying the hell out of this server so far.. level 24..
  4. tkon

    Project 1999 - Making Norrath Great Again

    But, but, AA. . .
  5. tkon

    Project 1999 - Making Norrath Great Again

    But bro, think about the AA.
  6. tkon

    Uthgard returns! (Classic DAOC EMU with high population)

    Ah, I asked because you seemed to be expecting something from a free, donationless emu shard.
  7. tkon

    Uthgard returns! (Classic DAOC EMU with high population)

    Did they change it to subscription or donation based to play?
  8. tkon

    EQ Next: #1 Next gen MMO

    Booze, where did you get those pics from friend? I've some how never came across them before.
  9. tkon

    Chronicles of Elyria

    See, I know where you're coming from. EQ and WoW both did this though... I'm not saying they will or will not. There will be parts that lack where other games have already shown them the way. But they're putting focus on something that will honestly make the game THEIRS. Even if it crashes...
  10. tkon

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Do time walking as your gear doesn't matter and it gets you 675 for any specs you want. They literally throw gear at you. After that do mythics if you want to gear up before the expansion. Do be honest though I think the invasions will give really good gear, so just do that lol.
  11. tkon

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    You sir, are a mean bastard.
  12. tkon

    DAoC: Uthgaard

    I really enjoyed this server when it was out previously. Sucks I lost my Nightshade, but I guess it was all for the better.
  13. tkon

    Project 1999 - Making Norrath Great Again

    Sorry I was asking more along the lines of how often is the camp open
  14. tkon

    Project 1999 - Making Norrath Great Again

    Camped SoLA Lava Elemental, got 14 place holders and 2 ele's finally got my neck >< How much is hooded black cloak camped in Mistmoore? I need other places a 51 magician can get some cash.
  15. tkon

    Project 1999 - Making Norrath Great Again

    I'm playing on Blue with a friend, let me know if you guys are down. Name is Gents or Tkon. Thanks