Recent content by tylanthus_sl

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    2013 NFL Playoffs

    I don't know how many teams are clamoring for Smith... Vikings fans would be pretty happy with quite a few backups at this point.
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    Looking for Mature Anime/Manga series recommendations

    Tons of it on Netflix on demand. +1 for "Serial Experiments Lain" and loving "Darker Than Black" so far. I wasn't a huge fan of Trigun unfortunately.
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    what are some of the worst games you've ever played?

    Came in to post "Pit Fighter" for SNES. Good call Szlia. Worst game I've played lately...and it was "free" via PS+ Double Dragon: Neon.
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    Ni No Kuni (PS3)

    Studio Ghibli meets Pokemon? Not sure how I missed this...
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    2013 NFL Playoffs

    As a viking fan... I fully hope for Kaep to beat the Packers. A Packer loss and a free agent Alex Smith is basically all I have left to cheer for at this point.