Recent content by Vaxxx_foh

  1. V

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    What might be even more sad is people who have zero invested into vanguard and probably never will, continually posting about how much they think vanguard sucks. Or maybe they just want to discuss "mechanics."
  2. V

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    Dude, give it a rest. Vanguard is not WoW, everbody knows that. The game is not based on being able to quickly and easily solo level. You may think thats a bad game mechanic/decision but it"s the way the game has been built. On the flip side, the game is also no completely built upon only...
  3. V

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    It"s really not that bad, I am 23 (almost 24) and have played what I would consider casually over the last 6 weeks or so. I have yet to do an actual grind session. 99% of my grouping exp is grouping with two other people. I play for around 2-4 hours max 3-4 nights a week. I never even logged...
  4. V

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    Wow the first post I have seen from THK about Vanguard that I can actually agree with. Will wonders never cease.
  5. V

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    I think for the majority of people playing a game graphics and most animations really don"t mean as much as game play after a short time. Vanguards graphics are fine, I have a decent computer and run at around 30-45 fps. Are there bad textures models in the game, yup, do I really care about...