Recent content by Willard_sl

  1. W

    Echo of Soul - CB

    Its not bad something to play for a bit as i dont get a lot of time anymore to play like i used to.
  2. W

    Echo of Soul - CB

    I havent gotten very far with my Archer yet only around level 10 damn work and RL sucks.
  3. W

    Echo of Soul - CB

    Just got my beta invite last night and installed the game but didnt get a chance to play. Any particular server everyone is on ?
  4. W

    Fondest Memory of MMOs

    I would say mine was right after I joined FOH in EQ and we went to kill vox for my first time and I somehow got the killing Blow, then there was always training KC.
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    all I can say is Wow Laurel.
  6. W

    Battlefield 4 (Frostbite 3)

    I would love to play this but unfortunately my machine is too old to even support it and do not see a reason to upgrade for a single game... Speaking of upgrading anyone have any suggestions on a video card upgrade from a GTX 275?
  7. W

    MMORPGS, what do you miss?

    I have to agree with Needless training people was a blast... Grab a ton of Mobs run to zone and FD)
  8. W

    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    Another game I cant wait to get into beta, but I do not see that happening before release... Way to many games coming out that I want to try and not enough hours in the day...
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    Dragon's Prophet

    So far I am finding the game ok.. The only downside of course if everything costs Station Cash, you run out of inventory space so often it basically forces you to buy more slots..
  10. W

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    From all I am reading I cannot wait to play.. now if i can just get a beta invite