Recent content by Wolftoad_sl

  1. W

    EQ Never

    I also don't get why SOE is making such a huge deal about their 'emergent ai'. What they've described doesn't sound anymore advanced than what we saw in Rift. Mobs can spawn in X, Y, Z location and will perform A, B, C actions against M, N, O locations. If successful different things happen. If...
  2. W

    EQ Never

    The weapon and class system seems much more akin to Team Fortress 2 than any other mmo out there. There are 9 classes in TF2 and you can choose 3 weapon per load out (primary, secondary and melee) from a library that has grown massive in recent years. The default weapons are typically the...
  3. W

    EQ Never

    It's likely meant to make it console friendly, but there is nothing appealing about multiple rows of hotbars. The focus should be on positioning and tactical use of your abilities according to the combat situation, not a precise sequential use of abilities to maximize damage or healing or whatever.
  4. W

    EQ Never

    A buildable and destroyable world. Player activities trigger an AI response (cities draw dragons, outposts in the wood draw goblin attacks) Only 8 skills available at a time chosen from whatever they decide to do with their class system. Removal of the '!' level progression in favor of...