Recent content by Zapan

  1. Zapan

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    For the last however many months I’ve been playing with HC Elite. First on Bloodsail Buccaneers on unofficial HC, and now on official. I’ve been in their main raid team pushing Naxx/AQ40. We’ve done all of MC, BWL, AQ40, and 10/15 Naxx. We have about 400 people who raid in some capacity...
  2. Zapan

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    HC Elite is still around. That’s who I’m with. Some new news coming tomorrow… Stay tuned.
  3. Zapan

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    As long as ppl know their jobs it’s fine but yes very easy to grief. We lost 2 the other week when we did C’thun. One to a DC and one to the stomach trampoline. One of our best geared tanks. RIP.
  4. Zapan

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    He was the only one on server with Ele sharpening stones. But we did get the pattern last night in MC so we back pumping. Also they never did C’Thun. Cool none the less.
  5. Zapan

    EQ TLP - Oakwynd (Evolving Ruleset Progression Server)

    180, best deal I ever did 🤓
  6. Zapan

    EQ TLP - Oakwynd (Evolving Ruleset Progression Server)

    A few of us woke Sleeper after farming the zone for a day or so. The loot was locked in Sleeper until we killed the last warder, then it opened up to NTOV and a bunch of other bosses. I name changed all of my toons to be the names of the Warders so it was “Hraashna has been slain by Hraashna”...
  7. Zapan

    EQ TLP - Oakwynd (Evolving Ruleset Progression Server)

    Oakwynd thread is a lot juicier than the Mischief thread was.
  8. Zapan

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    100%. He doesn’t usually ML, was on no sleep, and not thinking. He’s a hellfire monster in dungeons and I think forgot how to press his keys in the raid. Back to Elwyn.
  9. Zapan

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    That is the sickest and scariest dungeon in OW. Deserves its own instance. We just did MC and first two bosses in BWL today in HC. Second boss in BWL has a mechanic where if he faces the raid he will AOE / cleave and kill everyone. A dps warrior over aggroed and looking at the logs, we were .7...
  10. Zapan

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    What’s your in game name? I’m off for a couple days myself but will send you a care package to help out. Very HC, I know.
  11. Zapan

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    I no-life’d a warrior to 60 the first week with a priest duo. Having a blast. Am on Defias Pillager. Can help donate some stuff to any freshies who come over. Hit me up. Same name on server. Safest class is mage by far. Hunters are good but pet dies with adds coming and you’re fucked. Easy to...
  12. Zapan

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    How dare people build a product people want to buy and then charge for it.
  13. Zapan

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    How is that even possible, that large of a gap? I haven't had time to game recently, but Hardcore made the game fun when I tried it. That said, I wouldn't recommend it. It's effectively an app built by the community, owned by a bunch of ego-driven children that built something they clearly...
  14. Zapan

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    And lol at all of those HC death videos. People raging. It does look fun though. Slower pace of play, more intentional, requiring you to invest in your toon and not speed race / rush everything to the top. Also forces people to know their class which was always a toss up in groups / instances.
  15. Zapan

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Getting griefed by kids when I only had 2 hours to play is why the PVP server killed it for me. Do they have a populated PVE server where people are leveling? I bet that would feel more productive.