Recent content by Zhakrin

  1. Z

    New World

    The implementation in Archeage was interesting as well, playing some Metallica
  2. Z

    David Eddings

    I really enjoyed eddings growing up but my only problem was every single book had the exact same plot. Even to the point they almost joke about it in the Malloreon, the fact things are repeating. edit: can't spell
  3. Z


    Got my halo Hollow spots, not quite as close to the merchants as when i played the 1st time (had the land right in front) but got down my 8x8 and 4 16x's (had a 2nd account that i ran up to 30 gilda) Didn't help my 2nd computer's wireless keyboard glitched the minute i started placing land...
  4. Z


    yes its the steam server. Ya i remember that too, as long as you got close you got the complete, dont think anyone ever turned in a pack
  5. Z


    126 in front of me now
  6. Z


    in the Kaylin queue myself right now, thought getting in 2 hours early would give me lots of time... 55 mins to rush and 300th in line
  7. Z


    its not like he didn't TRY on the set!
  8. Z

    All things Brandon Sanderson

    According to my copy the 2nd last page says: The battle for mankind continues in Firefight - Fall 2014
  9. Z

    What Made EQ Great? Tell your stories to a filthy casual

    Whitened Treant Fists, I remember Greehma on SolRo soloing hate with those.
  10. Z

    What Made EQ Great? Tell your stories to a filthy casual

    Zoning when almost dead from a DOT and getting cured? A couple dungeons had slimes with whicked DOTs for a wizard
  11. Z

    What Made EQ Great? Tell your stories to a filthy casual

    Must get more Necklace of Superiority... I farmed the heck out of that thing before people realized where to get it and they move the drop location.
  12. Z

    Pacific Rim

    All i could thing was Voltron Form Blazing Sword!
  13. Z

    EBook Readers

    Don't know why, i have always liked the Sony ereaders, I just use Calibre to load on epubs and manage whats on the device and go. I am also a fan of buttons for page turning
  14. Z

    Star Trek - Into Darkness

    The only thing i could think of when watching the movie is how much it reminded me of Wing Commander 4, and how much it sucked that they wasted using Malcom Mcdowell on that other star trek movie.