Slain nerd support group


Karazhan Raider
Some black kid in fifth grade stole my baseball cap but I got him good the following day when my cousin & I showed up with ninja stars.
  • 2Brony
  • 1Worf
  • 1Smuggly
Reactions: 3 users


FPS noob
i once saw nudes of shellie, i wuz slain for a month at least
  • 3Brony
  • 1Dislike
Reactions: 3 users


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I'm slain simply being reminded of those.
  • 2Brony
  • 1Like
  • 1Solidarity
Reactions: 3 users


> Than U
I was down deep in Subnautica last night when the phone rang. I thought I had hit esc to pause it but I didn't. I died of starvation and lost my seamoth sub and all my goodies.
Does that count as being slain?
  • 2Brony
  • 1Triggered
Reactions: 2 users


Mr. Poopybutthole
I voted for Gore and Kerry... I think I was slain?

I'm not sure, is this like kids saying that stuff is "lit" or something?
  • 2Brony
Reactions: 1 users


The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
I'm sure I have been on a regular basis throughout my life but honestly I have no idea what slain means.
  • 2Brony
Reactions: 1 users


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I'm sure I have been on a regular basis throughout my life but honestly I have no idea what slain means.

To slay something is to kill it.

To have slain something is to kill it in the past.
  • 2Hodjing
  • 1Brony
Reactions: 2 users


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Im addicted to hot sauce. Habanero, Malagueta, and carolina reaper are my favs.

Get really bad cramps and acid shits often.
  • 5Picard
  • 2Brony
  • 1Solidarity
Reactions: 9 users


<Gold Donor>
One time I drowned while playing my Druid in WoW. Does that count?
  • 2Brony
Reactions: 1 users


what Suineg set it to
Our guild always struggled to find warlocks. We got a new recruit who seemed decent. Did some heroic dungeons with him and noticed some odd shit like he would move slightly then cast an instant cast spell then move again. If you weren't paying attention you might think he was leet pvp but it was clear he was keyboard turning and something wasn't right. Eventually he started dying to things and I get pissed and I'm like "why the fuck are you keyboard turning you retard?" and he responded "I'm not retarded, I've only got one arm". He logged off, never saw him again and we were down a warlock yet again.
  • 2Brony
  • 1Ice Burn
  • 1Garbage
Reactions: 6 users


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Our guild always struggled to find warlocks. We got a new recruit who seemed decent. Did some heroic dungeons with him and noticed some odd shit like he would move slightly then cast an instant cast spell then move again. If you weren't paying attention you might think he was leet pvp but it was clear he was keyboard turning and something wasn't right. Eventually he started dying to things and I get pissed and I'm like "why the fuck are you keyboard turning you retard?" and he responded "I'm not retarded, I've only got one arm". He logged off, never saw him again and we were down a warlock yet again.

This is not a fail by any metric.

This is a pure win.
  • 2Worf
  • 1Brony
  • 1Hodjing
Reactions: 3 users


2022 Asshat Award Winner
<Bronze Donator>
You kids and your lingo. How about you all fuck off and die.
  • 1Brony
  • 1Triggered
Reactions: 1 users


<Gold Donor>
I camped that stupid griffon for that stupid eye patch for over 50 hours, a couple years later some fucking nerd in china dies from playing some game for over 24 hours straight...

I raughed at his pathetic weakness. RAUGHED HARD and felt no fucking shame.

Never even saw that stupid fucking griffon.
  • 2Brony
  • 1Rustled
Reactions: 2 users


Blackwing Lair Raider
Back in the Kunark/Velious days of EQ I was going around EC tunnel begging

"Hey nice gear! Got anything extra I could have?". After about a hour of begging, I went out to kill asps and I see a dude running by, a necromancer. "Hey man! Nice gear, got anything extra?" He responded with "You just asked me 5 minutes ago, no".
  • 2Brony
  • 1Rustled
Reactions: 2 users


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Our guild always struggled to find warlocks. We got a new recruit who seemed decent. Did some heroic dungeons with him and noticed some odd shit like he would move slightly then cast an instant cast spell then move again. If you weren't paying attention you might think he was leet pvp but it was clear he was keyboard turning and something wasn't right. Eventually he started dying to things and I get pissed and I'm like "why the fuck are you keyboard turning you retard?" and he responded "I'm not retarded, I've only got one arm". He logged off, never saw him again and we were down a warlock yet again.

Back in vanilla wow, we found this warrior and since back then tanks were hard to come by, we auto invited him into our guild. He wasnt great by any means, but he was a cool dude so we kept him. He was in high school and talked often about being on the swim team, so he'd miss wow time because he was at swim meets, and whatnot.

Anyway, one day he's tanking maraudon for us and is just taking forever. He's clearly keyboard turning, taking several seconds between each action. Finally the pug yells at him to hold aggro better and the dude simply says, "I only have one arm, doing the best I can."

At which point guild chat blows up. What?? One arm?? Since when?? "Since always. Born with only one arm." What??? But you're on the swim team?? "Yup." Uhhh... Are you any good? "No. I only have one arm. But every once in a while I'll beat someone and I drag them through the coals. 'oh my god you loser, you just swam slower than a kid with one arm!!'"
  • 2Worf
  • 2Brony
Reactions: 3 users


Molten Core Raider
I made an alt on my dad's account and was powerleveling it in lake of ill omen with my guy. I was talking shit in OOC on it, made a jew joke, and got his account banned.

Slain by the authority.
  • 2Brony
  • 1Worf
Reactions: 2 users


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I camped that stupid griffon for that stupid eye patch for over 50 hours, a couple years later some fucking nerd in china dies from playing some game for over 24 hours straight...

I raughed at his pathetic weakness. RAUGHED HARD and felt no fucking shame.

Never even saw that stupid fucking griffon.

stormfeather, eyepatch of plunder.

I killed it while my guildmate was camping it but he was afk and wouldn't answer so i took it, I never told him and felt guilty about it but i shouldn't have.

fuck that guy.
  • 2Brony
Reactions: 1 users