Guild Wars 2


Note from Tuco on the FoH PVP Guild

Update: We're no longer playing GW2 as a guild. Please read the latest posts in this thread to hook up with people.

It seems that every MMO that comes out this forum creates an upstart 'forum guild' for it that invariably fizzles out in a few months due to a lack of structure and recruitment. The serious players join serious guilds and the bored players move on. This is a travesty because these forums host the words of some of the most experienced and hardcore players in the world. In GW2 I'd like to combine the raw potential this forum has with the most rock steady guild in MMO history.

I've been a member of a guild called PRX for almost a decade. We have along historyof being the dominant guild in every world PVP arena that's come out. We conquered the first keep in DAoC. We built the first city in the world in Shadowbane. We built the first keep and destroyed the first keep in Age of Conan. We were the first to control Altdorf in Warhammer. Now I can proudly say that in the first GW2 weekend event with match-making turned on we held the #1 objective objective (Stonemist Castle) the entire day on the #1 servergroup. We also won that war.

This combination has been wildly successful as we've had over 180 posters from FoH join our ranks, but there's still room for more. Those that have joined us have proven to be valuable assets to PRX and I'd love if everyone here who wants to fight wars stands at my shoulder. However, PRX is not for everyone. If you don't want to be in a professional environment, it's not for you. If you don't enjoy being part of a constant war effort, it's not for you. If you want to talk your shit on forums instead of ingame, PRX is not for you. But if you want to personally fight in the most epic and notable battles in GW2, then PRX is where you want to go.

If this sounds great and you want to really enjoy GW2 and W3 for all its worth, then you'll need to go through our recruitment process. Going through the application process is a little antiquated but it's critical that you get access to our forums to see our plans and it's also useful for us to get to know you. Read ourCode of Conductand if you agree to its termsfollow this processto post an application. Note that you are from FoH and if your desired name in GW2 differs from your forum name, please post it. If I know you I will respond to it vouching for you. If I don't know you I'm unable to vouch for you and your success or failure will determine on the quality of your application, so be specific and verbose in why you are a good fit for PRX.

Also note that people from PRX, including me, are strictly forbidden from engaging in drama shit-talking on public forums like this one. There's going to be some very salty tears from some very sore losers over the next month, but we will only address them on August 25th. Generally the only public posts we make are recruitment posts like this one. If you have any questions about PRX, please PM Tuco.

Nov 19 Update:
We're still going strong and moved into tier 1 from Tier4 when we xferred to SoS!

Here's a group screenshot we took recently.

Dec 7 Update:
We've made the decision to move to Seafarer's Rest, a Euro server. Please see this post for details:

Jan 18 Update:
We've made the decision to move to Jade Quarry. Details:
Kv_sl said:
[PRX] will be returning to the NA T1 bracket.

We joined with the Titan alliance in the 3rd beta weekend event and were a part of making Henge of Denravi the first great server, and the world's best, with a streak of 30 straight wins.

When Titan disbanded, we decided to leave Henge and join Sea of Sorrows, the number 10 server. Along with many skilled and determined friends and allies, we were a small part of Sea of Sorrows rise through the ranks, unbeaten, and claim the title of world's best server.

From Sea of Sorrows, we travelled to the European bracket and joined Seafarer's Rest and were, again, a small part of making this medium population server the best in Europe, beating the infamous French, of the full server Vizunah Square, three times in five weeks and twice putting them in third place.

Our six weeks on SFR has been a great experience. We worked hard, had a lot of fun and bled alongside some quality allies. What can be cooler than being led by a commander from Texas while getting a scouting report from a Russian, Mesmer portals from a Scot, a spec-ops team led by a player from Asia while chasing the French and collecting bags from the Germans?

There are many quality groups on SFR. A few notables:

ZDs and the "Russians" - They always fought hard and we were always happy to see you join our maps to save us from the Franco-Germanic hordes.

VoTF - One of GW2's most skilled guilds. When they landed in EB, Stomemist quickly became ours.

OSC - Always out fighting for the server.

VcY - An EB specialist, I believe they have taken SM at reset 10 times in a row and counting.

We have spent a lot of time scouting servers and almost every NA server and bracket was considered at one time. There are so many solid servers and solid guilds in the game that we would be proud to fight alongside. However, at the end of the day, we are a T1 guild and NA T1 is where we belong. Then the question becomes, which T1 NA server? My decision came down to two servers, Jade Quarry and Sea of Sorrows.

Sea of Sorrows is still home to us. We helped build the server and had a small part in it becoming the world's best server. We have friends there and history there and going to SoS would be like going back home again. Comfortable, welcoming and warm. They are the top dogs made even stronger with the large Asian guild "Never Die" joining them.

Jade Quarry has been a tough rival since the game launched and to this day JQ is the server to give us our one and only NA loss. They have been steady in tier 1 but have only finished first once in the past months. Our history of fighting them and their steady score each week with a lack of coverage tells me they have heart.

A lot of analysis and thought has gone into the decision of where to plant our banner, but at the end of the day, I come back to my youth to quote Def Leppard.

"It's better to burn out, than fade away."

Going to SoS, the world's best server, would be comfortable but the easy road. SoS has been winning without us by comfortable margins even before "Never Die" joined them. The challenge is to instead choose to join the battling badgers of Jade Quarry and see if we can help even the playing field in T1.

Finally, let me be clear that this decision has nothing - nothing - to do with a desire to fight SoS for any other reason than they are the champs. I have no ill-will and frankly, if they had lost last week and/or not gotten Never Die, we would be back home on SoS. This decision is based solely on the new challenge of fighting against the best and the new excitment of fighting with those on Jade Quarry. JQ has a long history of being one of the best servers, worldwide, in GW2 and I hope we can be a small part of continuing that tradition.




I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Congratulations to us and SoS for winning a third week of Tier 1. Bringing a 10th ranked server to tier 1 and then becoming the top server to beat is a real accomplishment.

On a larger scale, that brings us to having a record of 47-1 and a tier1 record of 32-1 record.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
The last week we were on HoD. TA broke up around the end of the week but every TA guild except PRX had basically xferred, quit or was MIA. It was just us and the bandwagoners like Brewha on the server.

We still got second place though.


Silver Squire
Ah, I remember the epic forum drama that was associated with that whole thing. It was especially hilarious to bystanders.

On a seperate note, how is the wvw action in t1? Is it always full? In t3, the only time that it is good is during NA prime time. It's almost completely dead at night.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
The action is better the higher you go up, but it's starting to diminish greatly. Queues aren't terribly common during the week, but the day/night action is better in t1/t2 because the competitive servers generally have more coverage.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Why kick ass on a national level when you can go international!
This sums it up. Maybe we're mistaken but from our perception the EU servers have a more consistent and hardcore WvW population, and it's new territory. It's not our style to publicly brag, but we've been at the top of the NA bracket since the game came out (except when we xferred from T1 to T4) and now it's time to climb a different mountain.

Mythas 5thboardnow

Silver Knight of the Realm
I kinda missed the ship on GW2, I was incredibly interested before release, but landed a new job the week that it launched. Is it worth while to pick up now and start from scratch?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Pretty sure I am not following. That is stupid.
Sorry to hear it bro. Hopefully we can team up in the future.
I kinda missed the ship on GW2, I was incredibly interested before release, but landed a new job the week that it launched. Is it worth while to pick up now and start from scratch?
It's worth it if you like PVE leveling/exploration or like open world PVP/siege warfare. It's not great for PVE raiding or hard PVE instances.


I think you're going to be extremely bored on the euro servers. None of the top tier servers have any large off peak hours representation except maybe viz square when they feel like skipping school/work the next day. Ruin switched to EU and quit the game two weeks later. Playing against doors makes the game seem pointless fast.

The biggest challenge you'll face is going toe to toe with guilds like Red Guard (Blacktide) during prime time who are just PvP monsters, but they usually don't have more than twenty people.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
I think you're going to be extremely bored on the euro servers. None of the top tier servers have any large off peak hours representation except maybe viz square when they feel like skipping school/work the next day. Ruin switched to EU and quit the game two weeks later. Playing against doors makes the game seem pointless fast.
Yeah, this is honestly my biggest fear. Simply not having anybody to fight.


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah. get back to t1 and have the closest 1-6 balance between servers yet. And quit 3 weeks after getting there? Give no time for everyone else to accumulate.
Screw over yet another server, in the process. Which in turn will screw over the entire NA ranking AGAIN. while SoS takes months to drop back down to t3 having lost two of most populace WvW guilds. Seriously. not cool at all.
you HAD competition, why the hell would you leave it, to guess on if Euro will have any?

Eastern guys will likely get the tail end of players, but yeah, Pacific, not so much.