Search results

  1. C

    Black Desert

    Have a code: 4C9E-90AD-132E-4B3F-9732 Looking for casuals to hang out with on Edan -- pm for family name and Discord info.
  2. C

    Lockjaw Character Named Thread

    Cubberley - Druid Toffi - Mage
  3. C

    Marvel Heroes 20xx

    Yeah, if someone could put together a full IGN list of active players, that'd be awesome. IGN: Cubberley Guild/Supergroup: Blue Sun I'm working on getting a multi-guild group together to attempt Red Raids, so PM here if you've got a well-geared hero and can get in Teamspeak. Think we're a...
  4. C

    Marvel Heroes 20xx

    It's hard to tell right now, since it's only in its first or second iteration on test, but my guess is that it's going to make Surfer not only less powerful, but a lot less fun to play. Electromagnetic Flux not a very 'fun' skill to begin with since it makes you stationary, and its crazy DPS...