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  1. E

    Ashes of Creation

    Quite a few EQ2 developers on it so it's cool to see what they're doing when they're not bogged down with a 15+ year old engine and higher ups who won't let the game change too much.
  2. E

    Everquest II

    Ascension spells are a bit different; you have to upgrade tier by tier and the components for crafting the craftable tiers are stupidly rare. You might be able to eventually upgrade your spells by gameplay means, but the system is definitely designed for you to spend money. Those spells are...
  3. E

    Lord of the Rings Online

    There's also a bonus EXP event for subscribers happening this weekend. I've been having the itch to check the game out again lately (specifically the environments) so I just subscribed and started up a new Runekeeper. Never made it past Moria so I'm hoping before I have to shell out money for...
  4. E

    SOE Becomes Daybreak / Russian shutdown

    When you left is forever ago at the rate the industry moves though. XD
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    The Elder Scrolls Online

    I think it's definitely worth a casual romp -- emphasis on casual. I was taking it casually at first, but I started putting more time into it over the Christmas break due to the bonus EXP event they were running and burned out a little bit. I enjoyed working my way through a lot of the quests...
  6. E


    Like I said, that's kind of a different beast though because GSB at least still exists. Hammerknell is in a uniquely shitty situation where it might not become available until Nightmare Tide even though it was originally a part of Vanilla; you can read about it here.
  7. E


    I don't think anything went wrong per se, they're just gating progression (like how WoW or FFXIV don't immediately release their raids when a new expansion drops so people don't feel as compelled to rush to level cap). Though they probably also wanted to see how a lot of the Prime stuff would...
  8. E


    Hopefully they can get the level 50 version of Hammerknell back in; otherwise I suspect there are going to be a lot of broken hearts when the time comes around when it's "supposed" to be released in terms of progression. (The level 50 version was effectively deleted when it was updated to be a...
  9. E

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    IIRC, Vanguard was in fact losing money, at least later on in its life. The main reason it was finally shutdown is because there were security changes happening that required library upgrades for all of SOE's games and it wasn't worth the cost of a dev's time to make those changes for Vanguard...
  10. E

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    Not to turn the Pantheon thread from an EQ nostalgia thread into a RIft nostalgia thread instead or anything, but man, those screenshots make me sad. Even though I loved Rift's dungeons and raids early in its lifespan (particularly the experts at launch and Hammerknell), I wish they would've...
  11. E


    I think it's just a matter of mixed messaging. They're advertising it as a premium server with a reduced cash shop in order to lure back people who might have been put off by the F2P of the regular servers, but it's also an accelerated progression server where your character will be deleted at...
  12. E

    Everquest II

    One time a guild member who hadn't been on in 1000+ days logged on and then quit the guild. When I asked someone who also used to be in the guild about it, they were confused because the person had died a couple of years ago. :x
  13. E


    They're compressing all of their released content into a one year timespan, it wouldn't make sense to try to make the dungeons more difficult when the goal is to have accelerated progression. It also sounds like the souls are just going to be how they are now but limited to 51 points, rather...
  14. E

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    I'm incredibly addicted to it at the moment, to the point where I've been playing it for almost my entire holiday break and have burned out a little bit. If you haven't already, make sure you do the first holiday quest, which gives a reusable 2-hour 100% EXP bonus for your character. I can port...
  15. E

    Everquest - Agnarr Server: Sunset Mode

    No, Nandy (Zoltaroth) did the anti-spam code; he was the lead on EQ2 when I started there but eventually moved over to Next/Landmark. Shortly after the layoffs in 2015 he left to go work at Amazon Fresh.
  16. E

    Everquest - Agnarr Server: Sunset Mode

    FWIW, they paid for me to relocate so I can't complain (and I'm still down here in San Diego with no intentions of leaving). Also, it was more like a year and a half before the big axe swing; you're a far stronger programmer than I am so your chances of surviving might've been higher, then again...
  17. E

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    FFXIV definitely doesn't have millions of subs, let alone more subs than WoW. Whenever they throw out the "millions of players" number it's referring to total number of accounts, not paying accounts.
  18. E

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    I really hope the bit about not losing access to your skills in level sync content is true (ignoring the abilities upgrading/downgrading based on traits). Losing buttons already sucks as is; it's only going to get worse now that jobs are getting these new mechanics added to them in later levels.
  19. E

    Ashes of Creation

    I'm not exactly itching to get back into game development but the Ashes team definitely has a lot of people I'd love to work with again. I hope the game turns out cool, too!
  20. E

    Ashes of Creation

    I'm not here to change any minds, but to this point: - Jason Crawford (the technical director) is an example of a poorly detailed LinkedIn profile. He was a programmer on EverQuest II when I started there and in general worked on far more than his profile lets on and is an incredibly smart guy...
  21. E

    Everquest II

    You're thinking of Resolve, which reduces your damage done to the mob and increases the damage you take from the mob for every point of difference between your resolve and the mob's. Fervor is a damage multiplier that contributed to the increased fuckening of healer balance, among various other...
  22. E

    Everquest II

    FYI I was a programmer so not really involved in the content side aside from participating in some discussions here and there, and judging by the post you made detailing your history of EQ2, I think you played before my time as a dev so I can't really speak to the members of the team at that...
  23. E

    Everquest II

    I was pretty much a group-only player at that point due to lack of free time and lack of guilds during PST prime time, but I found the first two tiers of heroic zones fun to run even though I was hitting them as soon as my lockouts cleared. The Temple of Veeshan zones were baaaad though.
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    Everquest II

    I didn't start there till a few months before ToV. :P (Which I actually enjoyed a lot and got me really into EQ2 again.)
  25. E

    Everquest II

    DoV + the Sony hack + Rift caused me to stop playing EQ2 for the longest time. I came back for a bit for Skyshrine to get to 92, but those zones got boring super quick and I didn't bother with Chains of Eternity till the tail end because of the requirement to do the signature quest which was...
  26. E

    Everquest II

    Ponytail definitely doesn't deserve exclusive blame for this, but my one big takeaway memory of him was when we were talking about making changes to summoners in a hallway conversation and he got unreasonably angry about it and told us we should only add content and not make other kinds of...