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  1. W

    A Celebration of THOTS.

    Better a thot than a blue-haired groomer whale
  2. W

    The Animated GIF Thread

    I came.
  3. W

    The Animated GIF Thread

  4. W

    The Video Thread

    I'm not sure what you mean, if I would? I am only interested in sucking dick. I don't want any ass stuff, no making out. Just straight to the covksucking... But, that looks awful, if real.
  5. W

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    Did this turn into an IT guy "my pussy hurts" thread?
  6. W

    The Animated GIF Thread

    Ok, now let's see her get him off the floor and out of a burning building.
  7. W

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    A flower petal. They're floating in the water surrounding her. Pic unrelated
  8. W

    AssHat 2023 begins now!!!

    @pharmakos You're welcome. @wellijustdontknow Biggest Asshat I know...
  9. W

    insult the poster above you

    You have the wit of a wet sock.
  10. W

    insult the poster above you

    Oh. That's where we're going?1983? Those jokes are older than the crust in your underwear. You're so ugly that your mom tied a porkchop around your neck to get the dog to play with you.
  11. W

    insult the poster above you

    @Vuuxo I think that you are just upset and feeling rejected because your dog refused to play your special peanut butter "game". Better?
  12. W

    insult the poster above you

    Well, fuck. I guess it's a good thing that I don't care.
  13. W

    insult the poster above you

    We're waiting...
  14. W

    insult the poster above you

    Pusnuts? How did you know that I recently visited your mom?
  15. W

    insult the poster above you

    Oh wait, I've got a "good" one... @wellijustdontknow "You, sir, are an asshole".
  16. W

    insult the poster above you

    Oh, you're back? Or, did you never leave? Follow the rules? What kind of asshat would I be? I log in after work for about 30 minutes, and here you are. I guess that you are living in mom's basement. Don't ask her for a grilled cheese any time soon.
  17. W

    insult the poster above you

    Good insult? I scraped better insults from the inside of @pharmakos mother's thighs.
  18. W

    insult the poster above you

    If it weren't for @lurkingdirk this place would fall to shit, for what? the 27th time.
  19. W

    insult the poster above you

    No, not true. I have absolutely no emotions for any stranger on the internet or in real life. I'm here for pictures and the occasional witty repartee with other losers.
  20. W

    insult the poster above you

    Why the hell did you resurrect this thread? The last post was in July.
  21. W

    insult the poster above you

    Yes, I am a lurker and only post to troll idiots like you who have too much time on their hands, and seek validation by trying to be relevant on a 100% irrelevant forum. Sad, sad loser life for you indeed...
  22. W

    FOH Shower Thoughts

    Can't stand the little thing between my toes in flip flops, sandals are great.
  23. W

    RIP Jimmy Buffett

    Maybe so, but he put on the best concert. The man worked hard when he was on stage. I was never disappointed when I saw him play.
  24. W

    RIP Jimmy Buffett

  25. W

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    Reminds me of an old Bugs Bunny cartoon. Maybe Daffy Duck...
  26. W

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    I don't get it. What happened?
  27. W

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Is that even a question? Becky 1 by a long shot...
  28. W

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Wrong panties...
  29. W

    GPT-4 Smut

    Tldr; Plaza's breasts DO NOT need to be any bigger. They are great just the way they are.
  30. W

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    Ok, now I'm rustled. That one made me remember. VIN number, wtf. I hear it all the time.
  31. W

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    Shutters... (shuddering at the error)hahahaha
  32. W

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    I'm there.
  33. W

    The Animated GIF Thread

    Way better than the reaction I expected. First time on the internet? Falling for such a trolling, hahahahaha!
  34. W

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    That is perfection.
  35. W

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    Ya know what? I'm pretty sure that I've bitched about this already, but I am fucking rustled still. The Pretty Girl Thread is a place to post pretty GIRLS. I've been seeing a shit ton of posts of body parts. How in the actual fuck are we to know if the girl that that beautiful pussy belongs to...
  36. W

    Which you would smash?

    Definitely not the hottest tranny in the world. Looks too much like a dude, and I can't stand tatted up skanks, dick or no