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  1. K

    First World Problems

    Apple stopped unlicensed chargers from working, so now I can't recharge either of our Ipads. I now have to turn the laptop on when the kids want to watch something, until I get off my arse and buy a proper Apple charger. Fuck you Apple.
  2. K

    Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)

    A close relative to me worked on this film and there is a complete script for a Furiosa prequel, an origin type thing. He had not read it and did not know if Charlize was contracted for more movies. OT somewhat, but it's not impossible we'll see more of this world.
  3. K

    Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

    Maybe he blinked.
  4. K

    First World Problems

    Three months of paid parental leave, in the middle of summer, with my beautiful intelligent children gets a little monotonous after a few weeks. I'm such an arsehole for thinking that.
  5. K

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    when i first saw the pic, I thought, 'did they pad her vag'. It seemed quite full for a skimpy teddy/bathing suit. After reading the byline, i realised, 'oh its a penis'.
  6. K

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    you probably hadn't blown them up properly.
  7. K

    My new Dating Pool

    Johnny, why isn't wifey in your sig? Seems a bit unfair, especially if she's giving head and letting you eat her arse, just like the others. Doesn't need to be her name, just 'wifey'.
  8. K

    Your Own Photography

    Daughter, 6 months old. Missed the focus, but it was almost impossible to nail it without silver-taping her to the wall. Taken with a 60 year old Rolleiflex and Tri-X. Contrast is better on the original too.
  9. K

    Going to Movies Solo

    Double post.
  10. K

    Going to Movies Solo

    *man hug*. You can do it bro!
  11. K

    Going to Movies Solo

    What the fuck is wrong with the OP and certain others. Do you get this anxious when you go to the library alone well? Who the fuck cares what other people in the theatre think?
  12. K

    American Sniper

    $50 says he doesn't shoot and the kid runs to the soldiers and presents them with the ordinance. The soldiers on the other hand empty their magazines into him.
  13. K

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    i recognised him/her before we got to see the dong. Fuck you Fedor!
  14. K

    What do you do?

    A few weeks after writing this post I chose to test the tertiary education thing. I have now completed the first year of my bachelors in HR management. Whether it means I'll actually get a better job remains to be seen. I haven't regretted it for a second so far.
  15. K

    What do you do?

    . Fucked up. Was supposed to reply to another post.
  16. K

    Lone Survivor

    Horribly overrated. Why didnt they just tie the 3 taliban to one another so they were forced to crawl home. Or tie them to a tree and then use the talibans' radio to inform the others in the village. Special needs, not special forces.
  17. K


    Bullwyf IS in the series but obviously he's just a little older, harder to recognise Vladimir Kulich is his name
  18. K

    What do you do?

    Where do you work? Letter processing plant (Postal service). What do you do? Sort letters in one way or another, be it via a machine, manually or ensuring others do it. Also freelance translator, but only one real client. 30 to 40k a year, depending on number of translations and how...
  19. K

    Zero Dark Thirty (2012)

    I thought the movie was quite good. It was fairly straight forward, no surprise ending =P. I liked the lead up to the raid. The 'never say die' attitude added to the movie alot. the 'controversial' scenes didn't seem anything out of the ordinary. We know these sorts of methods were used and...
  20. K

    Your Own Photography

    pics i took in India