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  1. M

    Post Your Pet

    This is our little Luna, doesn't seem to happy about the collar we knitted for her! Shes a bit more grown up now, but this is what I had to hand.
  2. M

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Could be that they have filled in the entrance to a Culla per la vita (Baby Hatch) if it was a nunnery door, but I'm looking at the frame its set into, that looks far to modern, and although blurred the hinges certainly are not medieval, the door sill as well is straight while the stone step it...
  3. M

    The Animated GIF Thread

    No Mans Sky Right? Looking forward to that coming out.
  4. M

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    When did Glenn Close start doing porn??
  5. M

    First World Problems

    I've got this massive bogey in my nose i just can't reach because I cut my nails last night. Every time I go for it, Ii just seem to slide over it instead of hooking its crinkly ass out.. GAH!
  6. M

    Most screwed up thing your parent/bro/sis/gf/bf has told you?

    You were going to be a twin, but you absorbed your brother in the womb!! And yes they did say it with exclamation marks..
  7. M

    Animaniacs: 20 years old...

    Holy Hell indeed, loved this! Man that ship Solaris was awesome..
  8. M

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    In mens public toilets, when some idiot locks himself in the only toilet cubicle for nothing but a pee when there are perfectly good urinals standing empty and pees all over the seat.
  9. M

    you find a meteorite, there's an accident at the lab, whatever Awesome, Im the Green lantern, without the ring, or the green,. .yay.
  10. M

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    By the looks of it ,id say she had been kneeling on frozen peas.
  11. M

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Looks like they don't have very good razors that far North..
  12. M

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Bottom right, click on the icon that looks like a letter, and click captions on, this versions already got subtitles built in.
  13. M

    Retro and New Video Game Picture/Video Thread

    I would say this was one of my all time favorites, well ahead of its time.