Search results

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    Black Desert

    Used Code 2. Thanks so much, bud.
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    Black Desert

    I'd also really love a chance to have a look. Thanks folks.
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    5 Best Games of All Time

    1. Thief: The Dark Project 2. Everquest 3. System Shock 2 4. Unreal Tournament 5. Baldur's Gate / Mario 3 / Morrowind / Zelda:OOT / Diablo 2 / Chrono Trigger / Tribes 2 / Half Life / Counterstrike / WoW Vanilla / Freespace 2 / Battlefield 2 / more I can't think of right now
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    The Metal Thread

    Been digging the new Converge. It's almost like a metal-genre mixtape. The guitarist and drummer own. I just wish the vocalist would shut the fuck up every once in a while.
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    What are you listening to at the moment?

    Loved the last album. Excited as hell for this.
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    The Netflix Thread

    Just watched The Gift. Only knew it as a movie with Katie Holmes' tits. Didn't know it was Sam Raimi. Wasn't great but was suprisingly good, if a bit cliche take on the whole southern gothic genre.
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    Django Unchained

    Jesus bit was pretty good but illustrates why Tarantino needs to do something different next time.
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    EQ Never

    I'm afraid the days of EQ-style travel are gone. I still hate fast-travel in any game up to this day, but there are too many people that refuse to deal with the lack of it for developers not to placate them. '