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  1. B

    EQ Never

    Before we knew there were actually 2 products, I suspected something like this would be the case. I think Landmark will always be the development tool, but I do think the end goal is to have the tools to create both content and rule sets, such that a guild/group/single person could build his...
  2. B

    EQ Never

    These shortcuts keep showing up in games, and developers wonder why people only play for 3 months. Up to this conversation collecting classes was part of the progression of the game, since levels are not. This is why f2p games are horrible; the creators decide what's part of the game...
  3. B

    EQ Never

    The price is "free," so they're getting both regardless. 8)
  4. B

    EQ Never

    Landmark is an MMO-Minecraft and EQN is an actual MMORPG, seems to be the difference.
  5. B

    EQ Never

    According to this: @Cirolle @Geekdomo @terryjmichaels @TaliskerDev the things we mentioned today are for landmark only. EQN will have differences.
  6. B

    EQ Never

    In this game you pick 8 active skills: 4 from your base class based on your weapon, and 4 cherry picked from your stable of classes that you have collected and trained up. Since the weapon skill types are hard set (ex: offense, offense, utility, movement for a rogue), and youare most lilikely...
  7. B

    EQ Never

    Are you saying that everyone is going to play a class with a healing skill slot? And didn't you say you were playing a troll ninja? Its hyperbole but I doubt a heal would be a ninja weapon skill, just like everyone won't play something that can slot a heal. And that's not taking into...
  8. B

    EQ Never

    If your base class doesn't have a healing skill weapon slot and you don't own a class with a healing class skill, no. Nor will your healing be worth a damn if its based on a tier 1 skill and you didn't focus on obtaining gear that amplifies your ability to heal more effectively.
  9. B

    EQ Never

    Now remove the taunt ability/augments that proc aggro, and remove the fact that the enemy is drawn to these things but instead wants to kill the things most responsible for it not living. Seems pretty clear.
  10. B

    EQ Never

    I will say that if people liked and thought EQ had a lot of character because it allowed for things like splitting, kiting, training, etc., this game will be able to do those things an order of magnitude better/more. If they don't cockblock us from it, like games like to do to anything fun or...
  11. B

    EQ Never

    That system works great with thinking & cooperating players capable of logic and reasoning, with cc, avoidance, peeling, and focus fire. Storybricks can be the biggest advancement in gaming AI in decades and still relegate the whole system into mob ping pong.
  12. B

    EQ Never

    If the AI is too smart, there *has* to be one of two things: taunt, or physical blocking (no clipping). In every example the mob wants to kill the high dps class or healer because that makes sense to preserve its life. The only thing causing there to even be a useful tank/fighter role is...
  13. B

    EQ Never

    Easy solution to having multiple cities (if they are willing to make the lore fit): Source that shit out through Landmark. I mean, of course they already said its so fun to build stuff that everyone, even people who were not level designers and artists, were loving trying to one-up one...
  14. B

    EQ Never

    Considering finding gear/"specs" is pretty much the purpose of the game, I don't think you'll find that here.
  15. B

    EQ Never

    Oh, I only like PvP. When everyone stopped playing in the world and migrated to instanced PvP to get resilience and epic items, you could only circle the Burning Steppes so many times looking for people until they just aren't there.
  16. B

    EQ Never

    Training people is fun. Pulling spectres to the docks on a PvE server was endless fun. Training =/= PvP. One-shotting people, or blowing someone up in WoW where your individual contribution didn't mean anything other than doing 1/3 of someone's life, and you could have been any of the other...
  17. B

    EQ Never

    AV pvp was trash. There's nothing thrill-inducing or skill- requiring about melting to 40 peoples' focus fire, when at that stage of the game all it took was focus fire from 3-4 of any class to instantly kill any other class, save paladins. A swordspec warrior could 1-shot most classes if...
  18. B

    EQ Never

    @ the EQN people formulating these awful polls: "If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions. " - Jules Winnfield
  19. B

    EQ Never

    For those decrying rallying calls for not being "sandbox/dynamic": This sounds like the only part of the game that isn't those things, yet you are asking to control the lore/writing of something that more or less already exists. And, if you were able to create or destroy a potential Halas...
  20. B

    EQ Never

    Yeah, kindof like the roaming Emerald/Ruby weapon bosses in the Final Fantasy games.
  21. B

    EQ Never

    Yeah, screw the integrity of the fight. If the creatures can blow up the world to murder you, you should be able to do whatever it takes to win, within the constrains of the world/skills. The penalty for throwing 200 bodies at something 40 people can do is obvious - less chance of an individual...
  22. B

    EQ Never

    Yep; they don't have time to play another game like Everquest, they don't want to play a game like Everquest Next, so basically they want another WoW clone. But they want it to be like Everquest. But not hard or with any sense of attachment or time investment, like Everquest. But hard, like...
  23. B

    EQ Never

    They said just because you are picking from one of 8, or however many starting classes, your character is not that class forever. That is not a permanent choice in any way, according to the panel. Those are just the ones you start with, but they are not inherently better or worse than the...
  24. B

    EQ Never

    What I interpreted from the class Q & A is that the 4 weapon skills came from your class's ability to use a certain weapon set, and more specifically what that weapon set can do; those don't change unless your weapon set changes. The 4 class skills can be cherry picked from all of the class...
  25. B

    EQ Never

    I'm surprised no one has mentioned Cube World yet, as that's what the combat, at least at this stage, appears very similar to. It even has destructible terrain, although only certain boss creatures can do it. Also the weapon type dictating abilities thing. Concerns: The Kerran model was...
  26. B

    EQ Never

    They really couldn't have chosen worse speakers, but I guess that's the price paid to "interact with the dev team" for the superfans that go to these things.
  27. B

    EQ Never

    That's like, 98% of the working world; working at a shit job with shit bosses, or policy that you may not agree with but are expected to do it anyways, because someone chooses to exchange their skill/talent for money. I'm not going to say DOW treats their employees likeshit because the next...
  28. B

    EQ Never

    You could have just said "no." Who here thought a bunch of video game nerds were going to be good at public speaking? It was awful and it should have been. Unless they hired professional speakers to do it for them, which they obviously didn't do. Ironically, a bunch of video game nerds...
  29. B

    EQ Never

    Wonder if the whole revolutionary part of this is that there are no NPCs, but instead all roles of the game are players. Including all the scumbag creatures that you venture out to murder. Mobs = players/a guild playing a spider class (think the spiders in Harry Potter) getting stronger and...
  30. B

    EQ Never

    I'd rather think along the lines of some player-made Minecraft content, than some kid's third attempt at making some FPS map. There's some very impressive stuff out there that players are willing to make for free, if they love the game and tools are provided for them to do it. Depending on the...
  31. B

    EQ Never

    It's hilarious to read all of the "I don't have the time to play a game like EQ again" and "my real life is so full of things that video games don't matter to me." Please. If a game is good people will make time. And if you are participating in this particular forum- an extension/reiteration...
  32. B

    EQ Never

    No one should ever be able to choose to not see someone in an mmo, no matter how big of an asshole they are. Ignore text? Sure. Effectively remove them from the game/server? Nope. Especially if there's pvp. I don't even know how that could make sense. I bet a lot of shitheads wish they...
  33. B

    EQ Never

    If people can tolerate wearing the stupid fucking 3d glasses to see a movie, i'm sure they'd wear the occulus rift for all of the potential awesomeness it provides. Watching movies with the rift is one of it's uses i'm most interested in. Its going to be the next big advancement in everything...
  34. B

    EQ Never

    If this is going to be Eve-esque, one key part of teleports that EQ got right that most forms of fast travel got wrong was creating choke-points that weren't in the dead center of some town. Some were even in pretty PVE-hostile areas.
  35. B

    EQ Never

    I'm not expecting a lot of different rulesets because I'm not expecting a lot of different servers.
  36. B

    EQ Never

    Agreed. It also let you wheel and deal with sellers, which was a lot more fun for people into that. Buying and selling shit in Diablo 3 made my heart dead and cold, and I'd consider their auction house interface pretty good. Maybe let people sell consumables and reagents via little crappy...
  37. B

    EQ Never

    Believe it or not, some people want to murder/fight other people under the guise of being the "good guy." Some might take great pleasure in putting arsonists to sleep and making their lives horrible. Just because someone doesn't want to be the griefing dick that instigates trouble doesn't mean...
  38. B

    EQ Never

    If all the forests are burned day 1, so be it. I'm sure if the tools are available, players that want forests will grow/protect them and in the process corner the market on whatever special wood they can harvest. How is this not promoting the emergent gameplay they/we want?
  39. B

    EQ Never

    Pandemonium ("Panda"). Someone I know very well was part of the long-time guild/group that either started that guild or made up the core of it. I remember the name Gylen, and a few others..Croazil, Rummol..I never played on that server up to a high level but watched their raids/pvp encounters...
  40. B

    EQ Never

    Maybe each adjacent chunk/"zone" is another player's playground, which was allocated to them through some in-game process, and the content they created in their "zone" had some level of approval before being applied to the world. When a player does whatever to claim an adjacent zone, what level...