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    EQ Never

    Following up with the 'fast typing in raids' comments, another thing that I really felt was great in EQ was the social skills you had to pickup to progress through the game. ( Apologies if this is has already been talked about 100x here ) Learning to introduce yourself to strangers and form...
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    EQ Never

    Definitely learned to type very fast while raiding in that game
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    Black Desert

    The server would announce who got the land grab every time it happened, each time it would be the same hacker who was nowhere in sight. This was a big letdown early on, especially when we would have a group together to kill anyone who tried to get near it.
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    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    I'm looking for a horde server, any suggestions?
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    Heroes of the Storm

    E.T.C's new Tour Bus ability at level 20 (able to power slide while channeling mosh pit) puts him at the top tank slot for me.
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    [Manga] Bleach (spoilers to current)

    so....grimmjow is still alive?
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    Heroes of the Storm

    Respect#1257 add me to do hero's or quick match groups
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    What Made EQ Great? Tell your stories to a filthy casual

    First game that taught me how to network to get into camp groups instead of sitting there for hours and hours doing nothing but waiting(the crystal spider camp was a big one for me). Communication was huge, you had to develop skills to speak correctly to become friends and get a spot. Static...
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    Kegz (not Kegkilla) caught DDOSing P99, drags his RL job/company into the mess ^pretty much what this sounds like