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  1. D

    EQ Emu - Blood of Turmoil - Progresssion Server

    I never created "the" drama that unfolded on KP. Should get your fuckin facts straight
  2. D

    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    I guess some people have nothing better to do than to bash someone who is replying to someone's question. Moar trollz plz! D -
  3. D

    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    Was probably my lack of Punctuation - my apologies. It was in response to Vasil's statement: "You and your buddies seem to make it a point to mention in every post how awesome and how in awe everyone else is of you and your abilities in a 15 year old game on an easy mode emu server."...
  4. D

    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    What happened to you Fury - don't see you on much anymore? D -
  5. D

    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    Wish I could get 3 weeks off. D -
  6. D

    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    There's not a "formal" list no - the GM's didn't want to list everything available on them. Unfortunately - it's only known by player experience. I believe Velious has like 15 total rewards - classic a few more. D -
  7. D

    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    I agree with you Ever - the pp farmed to use on the casino was a bug / exploit. No doubt - there's no denying 85% of the SoD's and roughly 1/3 of all casino loot won by players on KP were via plat bug / exploit. D -
  8. D

    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    Hi Evernothing - welcome to the conversation. Yep - everyone did that - I'm not going to hide and say I didn't do it. But by the same fact that you camp in and camp out to get the Breath of Harmony on the mob - MANY TFO members camped in and out on their VP key mobs to get the pieces. As...
  9. D

    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    Just to be clear - I'm not categorizing everyone in TFO as a "troll" - only the ones that come here and try to gang up with their TFO buddies on the slander-train we got going. I have nothing against TFO as a guild - and I still have people there I talk with regularly. As I stated before - I...
  10. D

    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    I agree Pharmakos - but I'm not going to sit here while someone tries attempt after attempt to slander me. Friday was a player I actually talked to on several occasions while guilded in TFO. While we were not "friends" - I feel his repeated attempts to come here and slander me are unjust and...
  11. D

    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    LOL - you lost on every single argument you posted about me - and I proved you wrong on every single one - and that's the BEST you got? You play on the famed P99 server and you are in the infamous IB guild. Certainly - with all the flames you have read on the P99 forums you could come back...
  12. D

    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    Get some people and I'll help out -I can't solo kunark dragons There's also a solo quest too. D -
  13. D

    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    Here Friday - since you can't dig any dirt up - I'll give you some to help you out - and for anyone who was wondering why I wasn't around during the casino "rape facing". I was banned during that time - for yet another bugged flagging content where I got frustrated one night and in a fit of...
  14. D

    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    When I did my keying - I did it legit. How people flag their toons - none of my concern. I'm not here to defend everyone on this server and their actions - cause frankly - I don't care. If it was me - I would whipe the entire server and start over again because of everything that has happened...
  15. D

    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    TFO trollz man - not the entire guild - just the bad ones who have no idea what they are talking about. They figure strength in numbers prevails - and gang up to show their "dominance". I say - bring it D -
  16. D

    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    But it's not a trick. If it was not meant that way - then they would make SOD lore and you wouldn't be able to force SoD's. You just win all the casino rewards - there's no trick here D -
  17. D

    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    Being as Rizher wasn't even guilded with me when this post was created - I was actually IN TFO when this was posted -my single post in that thread gives me self esteem problems - and even agreed with the post: "Being as such - I play the server for what it is - custom classic. While I may or...
  18. D

    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    So NOW - you are saying it's "cheesing" the system to get the most powerful weapon in the game. Note to EVERYONE here - if you play on a server with a casino - DON'T win all the rewards cause it's "cheesing" the system. So once you get the last reward - don't play the casino anymore - it's...
  19. D

    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    And I thought we were done with the idiots who had no idea what they were talking about posting here. Oh well - here goes. I was Trentn / Lanywen on the Vulak server - among other characters. The Faceless reputation was never trashed - if you recall - we all pretty much disbanded after EOE...
  20. D

    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    I mean - can you at least make me a male in that wonderful artwork you created? I mean the gentleman in row 1 seat 1 would be fine by me. I mean - you do have mad paintshop skillz no doubt. It's also missing Daddy and Ohlov - but due to recent events - Ohlov is no longer with DS D -
  21. D

    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    I feel the same way Zaide - I just want to make sure I'm not being categorized into the same bucket as someone I am guilded with. While I do get along with Rizher - it should have no bearing on our relationship over the last 3+ years. I also love forum drama. Although I have backed off in...
  22. D

    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    I love your basis for that. +1 D -
  23. D

    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    NP Taebin. Let me know if you ever need any help. I know most players want to earn things themselves - but I have some stuff if you would like that may help you. To everyone on this thread - please don't read into what false things Friday has to say. KP is a good server and I don't "shit"...
  24. D

    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    Grats Jysin - much deserved! Great guy and good player. Also grats to TFO on Velious - Citidal doing a great job over there! D -
  25. D

    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    Yep - me posting a thread link for everyone to jump on to get their troll responses in is D shitting up this thread - and the KP server. Also coming here throwing around false accusations about DS members exploiting the casino is also me shitting up this thread. Really - where do you come...
  26. D

    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    ^^ Nice - grats whoever failed on that one. D-
  27. D

    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    TFO forum trolls unite! Let's do some Captain Planet shit and take down the big D monster even though we don't have anything specifically against him! Let's attack his post count! The m0ar TFO trolls the better we look and we winz! D -
  28. D

    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    Friday - that Needless dude has 1,104 posts!! Is he a "forum god" ?? D -
  29. D

    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    Condescending? Really? When you came here pointing fingers: "There were screenshots of you guys openly admitting you exploited the casino to get SoDs and shit. I'm not sure how you weren't immediately banned for that?" That's not how you ask a simple question - that was an accusation...
  30. D

    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    Let me help your confusion. Zaide posted a screenshot of me telling him that epics were easy cause you could camp in and out until it has the desired item you want - trying to finger me as an exloiter. So him doing the same thing was the intent of my post. Forcing SoD's is hardly an...
  31. D

    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    Ok - how many Friday is an "acceptable" amount for your approval - since that was your intent to point out? D-
  32. D

    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    3 posts now! You catch that one Friday ? It goes up as I post! D-
  33. D

    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    Thanks for the welcome Friday - much appreciated. I'm glad my post count has anything to do with talking to TFO members in game - but it's nice you can point out the obvious post count D-
  34. D

    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    LOL - call in the forum army. Classic Zaide - you even did this on the TLP servers on live. Too bad the thread didn't last cause it was pretty much Zaide saying people "exploited" shit by camping in and out until the dynamic zone re-poped the mob with the loot or npc you were after. Funny...