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  1. D

    The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !

    Battlefront for $30. Worth it? Edit: nevermind. Out of stock. I hate when sales are physical copy only...
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    Heroes of the Storm

    Dizzam#1383 Pretty new at this, so I apologize in advance. On now.
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    Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16

    The Destiny model is just begging for a "Blizzard makeover." Old school Blizzard, of course, not card-game Blizzard.
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    Evolve - from makers of L4D

    Yeah, not going to buy. Kind of fun, but I'll be done long before open beta is over. They really need to do something about these load times...
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    Casual Rerolled WoW guild - Hyjal Horde

    I could probably swing that. Any particular class needs? Assuming its healer, what class is best healer these days?
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    Casual Rerolled WoW guild - Hyjal Horde

    I haven't played WoW since the first expansion. What kind of time investment are we talking to get a character leveled/geared sufficiently to join you guys on the Wed/Sat raids? edit: Also, how long are we talking for raids? I'm at a point in my life where "casual" is probably an...
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    Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16

    We've always been in the minority, by a long shot. I still play, but haven't played with anyone from Rerolled for months. I always just destinylfg it.
  8. D

    Evolve - from makers of L4D

    Any extra XB1 codes?
  9. D

    Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16

    This game should have shipped with about 3 times the content. I really don't think that's a lot to ask, given that every planet is only a single map. Even the raid, which is great fun, is really not that big. The only reason it takes a long time is the duration of the fights and failed attempts...
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    Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16

    Have all the armor to reach level 30, just need to upgrade it all. Now the question is, how long will it take to get a Vex Mythoclast running hard mode twice a week. Hopefully not too long...
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    Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

    Started playing this tonight, and I must say, I'm underwhelmed. Hopefully it gets better after the first few hours. It's not bad, but (as of now) I definitely disagree with the game of the year talk. The nemesis system feels gimmicky. I kill a bunch of Chiefs, other Chiefs replace them...
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    Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16

    So I have been using Vision of Confluece, but I picked up Atheon's Epilogue tonight. Obviously when one of the elements is needed, I'll roll with that gun, but on your run-of-the-mill mobs, is one gun clearly better than the other?
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    Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16

    Pretty sure that's just a reference to Xur.
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    Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16

    He changes location. Now he is in the break room off the hangar.
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    Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16

    Two questions: 1) Are weapon/armor levels tied to the character or the item? 2) In the raid, has anyone explored the tunnel that starts next to the chest behind the first boss? I found it last night. You have to duck to get into it, and it exits above the chest in the gorgon cave (the one...
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    Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16

    Take your whole team to the floating island on the far left for the part where you are killing the boss. A lot of time he doesn't even shoot at you and even when he does it's easy to position yourself to not get hit. No need to worry about oracles because you're all in the same place for...
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    Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16

    Beat the raid again last night. I learned two new strategies that made it significantly easier than last time around. Does everyone know about using the hobgoblin sniper spot on the first boss and using the relic shield to do massive amounts of damage on the final boss? I'm probably just behind...
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    Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16

    I might actually go for this idea after finally defeating the raid boss last night and receiving... 3 Ascendent Energy. AscendentfuckingEnergy. Two people walked away with weapons, the rest of us enjoyed Bungie's sense of humor. Also, did anyone else have problems with (what I think are)...
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    Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16

    Apparently, completing the weekly Nightfall strike not only puts a blue flame on your head, but also grants a buff that gives bonus experience. I didn't think it would be too helpful, seeing as how I'm 20 and maxed out in both subclasses. But I just ran some patrol missions and the bonus applies...
  20. D

    Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16

    Hit 27 tonight. Here's my advice: (1) Don't set out to gear up off of item drops. This isn't Diablo; you'll only frustrate yourself. (2) Focus on reputation and marks to gear up. It's true that the gear won't be perfect (i.e. have all the stats you want), but it's a reliable path. Think of...
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    Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16

    Tried the raid out tonight. Fun as hell. Ridiculous that I had to resort to to find a group, but fun as hell. I need to grind some Vanguard faction tomorrow so I can buy a purple helm. Any suggestions? After buying the helm I'll have bought 3 of 4 legendary armor pieces...
  22. D

    Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16

    I'm in this same boat for armor. All of my legendaries are weapons: shotgun, machine gun, fusion gun, auto rifle. Oh and I got a warlock chest (I'm a Titan).
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    Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16

    What the hell is a fusion rifle spree? I got a killing spree with a fusion rifle, but apparently that's not it.
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    Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16

    This. So many little things they could have done to make this a great game. I would love to see a dev respond to some of the criticism out there, including criticism about the story. I'm at a loss as to how Bungie thought this writing/acting was on par with the kind of game they've been advertising.
  25. D

    Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16

    Level 23 Titan. Got my first Legendary today: a warlock chest piece. Is there a way for me to rejoin my friends in a strike if I get disconnected? Can the leader just send me an invite or something?
  26. D

    Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16

    What's the best way to gear up when you hit 20? I ran the daily heroic, but didn't get anything. Is the best gear bought with crucible and vanguard points, or do legendaries also drop in strikes or something?
  27. D

    Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16

    Don't you get the XB1 version free when you buy the 360 version? Might as well try it out on the 360. Edit:this
  28. D

    Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16

    This is Skyrim all over again. Fun game, but repetitive as hell. Bungie will get a pass just like Bethesda. I was hoping this game would last me a few months--standard MMO timeline. But I would be surprised if it lasts even a month. As others have noted, it just feels like an ordinary FPS. Sure...
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    Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16

    Digital for both XB1 and PS4 still have to wait until Tuesdsay at 12:01 am PDT. Or has that changed?
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    Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16

    Xbox One Titan reporting for duty. XBros unite!
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    Destiny - Gamertags

    XB1 - monkjitsu - mic I finish my job before Destiny comes out and don't start my new job until mid-October. Should be on quite a bit during that time.
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    Evolve - from makers of L4D

    I haven't been following this game too closely, but it looks good. Have they talked about any differences between PC and console versions? I'm trying to decide between PC and XB1. Have they announced system specs yet for PC? I guess that could be the deciding factor. Edit: Apparently,"Xbox...
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    EQN:Landmark Beta Starts March 26th!

    Haven't played for a few months. Just logged in. Played for five minutes; the game seems to run and look worse than it did months ago. Logged out.
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    Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16

    I'll be on XB1. Let's raid stuff.
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    EQN:Landmark Beta Starts March 26th!

    Totally agree with this. I played for the first few days, got my legendary pick and such. I can't get into the building though. All that garbage-voxeling, whatever you call it. This game centered around building is awesome...except the building.
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    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    Well, add this one to the long list of MMOs I've purchased and then never subscribed to. It's alright, but not worth subscription.
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    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    I've been using a guest pass for the last week or so, and the game is pretty fun. Before I actually purchase, can someone let me know if this is the kind of game I can play casually and still have fun? My life isn't exactly amenable to hardcore gaming at this point, but I still like my MMO time.
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    EQN:Landmark Beta Starts March 26th!

    Same. Well, except for logging in, standing there, and logging out.
  39. D

    Why all the Emulated EQ servers if EQ is free to play?

    I've played on a few emu servers. Always for the PvP / old(er) school feel.