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  1. D

    Computer Issues

    so I got Samsung 840 SSD and cant get it to register in bios at all. I have a ASUS Sabertooth X58 My Bios v0603 1) I tried plugging it in multiple SATA ports 2) I tried multiple SATA Cords 3) I temporary unplugged my normal hard drive SATA cord and plugged it into the SSD None of these...
  2. D

    Battlefield 4 (Frostbite 3)

    Anyone getting this weird bug? I tried to google it but didn't have much luck. Basically I started getting a random infantry bug where the resolution is very distorted and looks like i'm running 50mph down a narrow tunnel. However in vehicles etc its perfectly fine. I updated to nvidia's...
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    Puzzles and Dragons

    Yeah i just noticed you have 6 teams and they were put on them as defaults, Thanks!
  4. D

    Puzzles and Dragons

    For some reason they are greyed out and they aren't Favorited or anything
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    Puzzles and Dragons

    Looking to exchange presents with someone PM me your name/ID.Got someone Also might of been answered somewhere..but is there a way to sell your starter guys (Bubblie, Woodsie) to free up space?
  6. D

    Gold Rush

    The fake scripted shit is pretty damn awful in that Bering sea gold one. I think I was watching one of the under the ice ones in the summer and some guy loses his flippers or weights and they of course have a camera shot of them falling to do the ocean floor and they have the guy end up going...