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  1. F

    Arkk's Weight Lifting / Fitness Thread

    Generally, progressional load in bodyweight exercises is achieved by manipulating leverage. There is, of course, a point where you can no longer manipulate leverage any further, but that is way further than most of us will achieve with or without weights. Having said that, weight training does...
  2. F

    EQMac Now Free to Play

    In as monk/shm pils/peer. 23 and 31 atm, trying to hustle up some plat for when someone eventually puts icewurm fang up in baz
  3. F

    EQMac Now Free to Play

    some dude over at the MQ site has published a fix
  4. F

    EQMac Now Free to Play

    Yeah I figured it did. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted
  5. F

    EQMac Now Free to Play

    So, AK went down for an update, and now I can't log in. I'm using the PC hack and when I select "run patch program" I get a connection error, when I try to log in without patching I get a "couldn't connect to the patch server" type error, yet SOEs status site claims everything's fine. Any idea...
  6. F

    Arkk's Weight Lifting / Fitness Thread

    You probably pulled a trap. It's happened to me a few times after doing max effort pull-anything without proper warm-up and mobility work. The pain is usually gone after a few days with some residual stiffness/tightness in the general neck/upper back area for a week or so. Do some light...
  7. F

    What do you do?

    I'm first and foremost a student working on a MSc in (Physical) Chemistry. On the side I do promotion work for a local brewery, mostly holding lectures and longer courses in beer tasting, homebrewing, beer/food pairings, that sort of thing. The pay is pretty standard around here (~25$/hr, but...