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  1. F

    Child of Light Ubisoft "jrpg" x-platform.

    Bought this game 2 days ago and stayed up most of the night playing it, started on normal mode but now i can't wait to play on hard mode.
  2. F

    Wii U

    If the game is as good as it looks, the bundle will sell at that price for a while
  3. F

    Wii U

    When i look that gap, I always think (and hope) for the next Zelda (not hyrule warriors or whatever it's called). Anyway, if the few titles they release are on the same standard as Mario 3d World, it will get people to buy the console whenever they release their titles...
  4. F

    Wii U

    Mario Kart 8 supposed to come out in may, with 4 players on same screen (30 FPS) and 2 players (60 FPS) with online options, sure seems nice. Will help to wait for Smash Bros but winter sure seems like a while
  5. F

    Shadowbane Emulator opening this weekend for a week

    Shadowbane was great, loved small scale pvp but the problem with it is that it encourages people to ally everyone they can to defend their cities, killing the point of smaller groups.