Search results

  1. Raign

    Tower of Time

    Didn't see another thread on this one. Great game, very Baldur's Gate 2, well done classes, great story. Really really enjoying it. If pauseable real time rpgs are your thing, definitely worth picking up. Enjoying it much more than I did Pillars of Eternity. Tower of Time
  2. Raign

    Office / gaming chairs

    Couple older threads around, but I am in the market now and was hoping for some more current perspective. I work from home and spend most of my free time gaming so I spend a LOT of time sitting and frankly my old ass is tired of the cheap chair it is been housed in. Anyone have a chair they...
  3. Raign

    Paper Sorcerer

    Did not see a thread on this one yet. Picked this up for 5 bucks on steam and really enjoying it. Throw back game to the Bard's Tale era done well. No hand holding, 1980s difficulty setting is actually really friggin hard. Definitely worth the money if you are looking for a good RPG time...