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  1. H

    The Secret World

    I think it is great if you can catch it on sale for $10 or less. Not a lot of depth of content but fun mechanics, lore, and dungeons. Just not enough content!
  2. H

    Everquest II

    Gave this a shot again after a 6ish year hiatus and it ran like poop. Specifically there was a hang-up stutter every few seconds. Is that something related to the background/incremental download that goes away after time or is it possibly a setting I can change?
  3. H

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    In the south when you have the threat of bad weather the first thing you do is PANIC and buy bread and milk.
  4. H

    EQ F2P- Returning Players & Current Content

    I have developed brain damage trying to figure out a zone for a level 68-69 group. So if a 69 MAG, 69 SHM, 68 MAG with mercs wanted to do something other than TSS hot zones, what would they do?
  5. H

    EQ F2P- Returning Players & Current Content

    I tend to fly under the radar in game as I usually only have around 45 minutes to an hour to play these days. Good point about at least joining chat though. Fixle - 63 Mag Fizzynip - 66 Mag Geoid - 65 Shm
  6. H

    EQ F2P- Returning Players & Current Content

    My group is a 66 Mage (150 AA), 65 SHM (200 AA), 62 Mage (50 AA). I had been using 66 tank, 65 cleric, 62 tank mercs. I think I'll switch to 66 cleric, 65 wiz, 62 wiz mercs for shits and giggles and fun and profit. I'm doing this in Sunderrock on test. Is there a better place to get AA's...
  7. H

    EQ F2P- Returning Players & Current Content

    Am I taking crazy pills or does a level 66 Mage pet tank better than a lvl 66 Merc against groupable mobs?!
  8. H

    EQ Never

    In my opinion you don't want to force people to put in time to build social networks etc to just play the game. A better solution for me is to have loot/zones tiered. So I'm Joe Casual and I use LFG/LFR and the loot I can get is a lower tier than Harry Hardcore who has the time and desire to put...
  9. H

    EQ F2P- Returning Players & Current Content

    Thanks for the suggestion, will give it a shot.
  10. H

    EQ F2P- Returning Players & Current Content

    I need help with a simple task, moving money to test?!?! I gave some pp to a toon, did /testcopy, and then the toon gave the money back. Log the toon onto test and there is no money. What am I missing here?
  11. H

    Neverwinter: PC NWN2 for $5.99. The modding community for NWN2 is not as extensive as it was for NWN1 and unfortunately did not improve with the expansions. There are some good mods though and for $5.99 you can't go wrong. In particular I like...
  12. H

    EQ F2P- Returning Players & Current Content

    Flight, How do you get your small screens UI's to scale down like that? I ended up using the stacked screens with hotbutton swapping instead as I could figure out the UI deal.
  13. H

    EQ F2P- Returning Players & Current Content

    I've always played casters in EQ until recently I was struck with the Bard bug. Anyone care to enlighten a Melee Idiot in regards to main hand / off hand weapon theory for a Bard. I'll mainly be 2- or 3-boxing lower level old dungeons/LDoNs and such with the other party members being a DRU...