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  1. H


    Been a fun last few weeks! Went to Korea for a bunch of meetings and meetups, returned to week of budgets and a board meeting, working with the AA team on all of the things that resulted from said trip, opened a bunch of the new hire slots for this year, finished building new community team...
  2. H


    haha -- We definitely don't want to WoW anything up. We like AA because it's a pretty greatcomplementto the themepark PvE MMOs. It's not one of them, and I don't think it should ever be one. It includes some of those elements, but those elements aren't the focus. Trade is one of the...
  3. H


    Then I misread what you were saying, Oloh - I interpreted your post as: "There's no content other than a grind of machine generated stuff like <old sandboxes>, so there's nothing to do if you're not PvPing." That's what surprised me. Apologies for that. I think your thought on quests is...
  4. H


    One thing about being on the publishing end of this - It's a lot easier to have answers like this when you're the developer, which we aren't in this case. When you're publishing a game that you're developing, you can talk about a date, because you know it's all in your team's power to get...
  5. H


    Hey. I've logged an unhealthy amount playing it since just before xmas. Not sure where that info came from, but it's very fortunately not the case. There are paths with a metric ton of directed content if one chooses to stay on it (both story and zone level), but I think the game really...
  6. H

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    Tons. I think that's the answer you'd get from anyone who launched a game though. It's a series of making decisions with wildly imperfect information, while trying to get as many iterations in as you possibly can to improve the information behind the decisions you're making, and trying to...
  7. H

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    There was a dude here who posted some M&A fan fiction about it in one of the other threads. That's the only place I've seen it written. It's not true, but that's seldom stopped anyone from saying any given thing on the internet.
  8. H

    Rift: Planes of Telara

    Oh, good. There he is. You've got a lot to answer for, sucker.