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    The Fast Food Thread

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    The Fast Food Thread

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    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    I had always imagined Ned as a younger Liam Neeson. Sean Bean isn't so far off.
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    What do you do?

    A State agency Audit other State agencies Auditing/Accounting Just got this job a ear ago and don't have my CPA yet. $35K a year right now. Actually less than the manual labor job I had for a decade before this, but much more potential. Pretty good insurance and retirement package, imo...
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    Phones nowadays are as much a status symbol as a car or watch or whatever. I personally wouldn't care about my phone being a little beat up, but I can see why some would.
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    I have the Merkur set you linked. It's my first safety razor, and I really like it compared to the Mach 500whatever razors. I'd say I only use the shaving soap about half the time I shave, though. I don't see much benefit over regular old shaving foam. After I eventually use up the solid soap...
  7. H

    Remakes: What would you like to see?

    Breath of Fire III. It had kind of a quaint charm to it that I really liked.