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  1. Szlia

    What are you listening to at the moment?

    Been watching Twin Peaks The Return
  2. Szlia

    Indie Games

    There is a Lucas Pope game and a Bennett Foddy game on this thing. I like these dudes and I am curious about their games, but not $205 curious (Foddy's game comes with the system, Pope's is $6).
  3. Szlia

    Godzilla Minus One (2023)

    I am not sure there is a coherent "canon" timeline for the Godzilla films, but at the very least this one is set before the events of the first film (toward the end of WWII and a little after VS contemporary to the first film release, so 1954). Why not Zero? Maybe they wanted to leave some room...
  4. Szlia

    Monkey Man (2024)

    Unsurprisingly, when you have a continent-sized country with many different languages and cultures, a very long and rich history in all kind of arts and probably the most prolific national cinematography in the world, the end result is that "indian films" is a term that covers a very complicated...
  5. Szlia

    Monkey Man (2024)

    I read the previous posts, but just added some finer points about the content of the movie and a little bit of nuance: the style and form we associate with Bollywood movies is not true for all Bollywood movies and also not exclusive to them. While it's rare to see european or american movies...
  6. Szlia

    Monkey Man (2024)

    I know you jest, but while the movie is set in India, is written and directed by an english actor who has indian roots (oddly, his parents were actually both born in Kenya) and deals with indian themes (corruption, the influence of sects, hijra, references to the Ramayana), it does not take the...
  7. Szlia

    Garfield (2024)

    Mandatory reminder that the only good thing about Garfield is that it allowed the existence of Garfield Minus Garfield.
  8. Szlia

    Rate Movies You've Recently Watched.

    Directed by Brian Yuzna! That's a name I didn't heard in a while! And to be fair, looking at his filmography, I am not exactly sure why I know the name. I guess The Dentist was kinda known at the time. One of those VHS rental era horror film... He also co-produced Crying Freeman... other than...
  9. Szlia

    Monkey Man (2024)

    This is somewhat competently done, but feels more like a string of citations of other revenge movies than something original. There are buds of ideas here and there, but they never really bloom. I did not time it or anything, but if I had to guess, I would say about a third of the movie is...
  10. Szlia

    Dune: Part Three

    I'll bite on that one since it's unbearably stupid. There is clearly a deliberate effort to increase the diversity in the casts of Hollywood movies. Of course, as a spectator, the narrower your tastes, the more affected you are (negatively, like in your case, or positively). The notion though...
  11. Szlia

    The average concurrent viewers is 2.5 millions, but for a live streaming platform to make money the maths are rather complicated. It's all well and good to have more sets of eyes to show ads to, but that also means more bandwidth costs. I am not sure if there is some sort of composing factor...
  12. Szlia

    The main problem is that half the people posting in this thread don't watch Twitch. They just regurgitate whatever pops in their Twitter or their righteous outrage reddit feeds. As a result we have posters who think all IRL streamers are of the pranking douchbag variety and that 99% of female...
  13. Szlia

    Yeah, CDawgVA is such a blight with his cycling around Japan in lesser known places while collecting funds for the Immune Deficiency Fundation :rolleyes:
  14. Szlia

    Dune: Part Two (2023)

    He co-wrote the screenplays and it's an adaptation, so whatever will happen to the characters in the next movie (if there is one) is up to him really.
  15. Szlia

    Fleishman Is in Trouble

    Not bad, but not very memorable as I saw it a few months back and had to think a minute before remembering what it was about and that I even saw it.
  16. Szlia

    What is "common sense" and how do you deem something is "overtly sexual" though? The nature of the beast is that rules will be set and then some people will try to explore the limits of these rules, which automatically will result in some back and forth. That will happen no matter what the rules...
  17. Szlia

    3 Body Problem

    Proof this a documentary: aliens computers making our auto-correct softwares turn "pilot" into "piolet". What insidous agents of chaos! :lumie:
  18. Szlia

    Dune: Part Two (2023)

    Did not enjoy that part two as much as the first part. I think one of the main aspect is that in part one we discovered Villeneuve's vision for the Dune universe and it was literally awesome. This time around that discovery is obviously no longer there or at least not as much (there is still a...
  19. Szlia

    City Hunter (2024)

    I guess it should also be mentioned that the Jackie Chan movie has very little to do with the original material.
  20. Szlia

    Spring 2024 Anime Thread

    Intrigued by the pair of original movies by this Team OneOne studio. They seem to share the same universe maybe? Do people who follow the industry know more about these two movies?
  21. Szlia

    City Hunter (2024)

    There was. There is also a well known animated serie. I think, a bit like Lupin the 3rd, the serie is more light and comedic than the original manga? Never read the manga and only watched a bit of the serie back in the '90s (the french dub was notoriously goofy - with some quote becoming memes -...
  22. Szlia


    Binged this show through the last few days. Never read the books. Enjoyed it. It's not amazing or anything, but in this type of stories with mysteries or some sort of hidden conspiracy it's critical to find the right pace at which to reveal things and I felt they did a good job with that. My...
  23. Szlia

    Not sure were to put this, but a bunch of Super Mario Maker 1 players are racing to have all the levels ever uploaded to SMM beaten before Nintendo shuts the servers down on the 9th of April. Amazingly, they are down to just 8 levels at the time of writting! (A site was made to track the...
  24. Szlia

    The Count of Monte-Cristo (2024)

    Well... that's a 2002 movie and we are in 2024, so it's been a while. Also, the last french films based on this are from the '60s. There was a more recent and popular TV show, but it still was in 1998! Time flies I guess.
  25. Szlia

    If you clutch these pearls harder they might turn into diamonds.
  26. Szlia

    Cowboy Bebop

    As someone who saw it at the time of release, I am not sure I agree with this analysis. That being said, reception probably greatly varies based on your general exposure to anime and, more importantly, what range of anime you have been exposed to. In France and Italy for instance, anime have...
  27. Szlia

    The Zone of Interest (2023)

    Brikker is the mother in law in the movie: "Oh! Are there Jews walking around?" "Oh no! these are girls from the neighbourhood. The Jews are on the other side of the wall"
  28. Szlia

    The Zone of Interest (2023)

    It takes a certain kind of maestria to keep us at the edge of our seat with a movie that tells so little... and yet so much at the same time. Very impressive. It should be noted that it is an adaptation of a novel, except he basically removed all the fictional plot of the novel to keep tightly...
  29. Szlia

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    No idea, but if I had to guess I would say it's some anime opening or closing music.
  30. Szlia

    Argylle (2024)

    Off the top of my head, I can't think of an american movie with a main character who is an author and the film being a back and forth between reality and the fictional world of the author that riffs on reality. I have not seen it, but The Lost City with Sandra Bullock plays out like that I...
  31. Szlia

    Tales from the Loop

    I am a bit conflicted, because I wish I liked it more than I did. It is pretty damn cool on paper, but most of the episodes suffer from the classic "short story" syndrome: they are twice as long as they need to be. The pace is so glacial that, as soon as you lose a modicum of interest in the...
  32. Szlia

    Indiana Jones 5 (2020)

    Oh! Some new posts in the Indy 5 thread...
  33. Szlia

    The Beekeeper (2024)

    The scenarist and director are not exactly amazing, but they have a decent track record of ok movies. With that taken into acount, this is surprisingly lame. The plot is dumb as bricks and does not explore in any realistic way the themes it set forth. Bad guys getting their comeuppance is not...
  34. Szlia


    This show is very good. It's on Max and will be soon (or already is?) on Netflix, so check it out! The setting is very interesting and was totally unknown to me: San Francisco in the 1870s with tensions between gangs in chinatown, irish workers who see their jobs go to cheaper chinese workers...
  35. Szlia

    Reality (2023)

    There is something very peculiar about this movie. Because all the line are taken verbatim from the transcript, it does not sound like film dialogues. People repeat themselves, digress, get interrupted, misspeak, creating a very unique type of tension you usually do not see in movies. It's all...
  36. Szlia

    Silent Night (2023)

    A very straightforward '70s style vigilante movie. The somewhat pointless twist is that there is no dialogue. The justification for it is that the main character is rendered mute after being shot in the throat. It's not the first film to try something similar and it's hardly ever good. At least...
  37. Szlia

    Scavengers Reign

    Not necessarily a huge fan of the weird-for-the-sake-of-weird ecosystem that is at the very heart of this show, but the clean bande dessinée inspired visuals, the neat, seemingly rotoscoped, animation and the simple but original story make it worth watching.
  38. Szlia

    As of right now this whole category is ranked 27th and the top streams in it have 600 viewers. Clearly, honest god fearing gamers face an existential crisis...
  39. Szlia

    Slow Horses

    Having recently seen the first two seasons of Slow Horses and the whole five seasons of The Bureau, I would say both shows are good but very different in tone and scope. Slow Horses is written with some caricatural characters while The Bureau leans toward a more subdued approach, trying to keep...