Search results

  1. L

    Virtual Reality

    I was not very impressed by the Occulus Rift. Maybe it will be better with higher rez, but idk. I really want it for FPS games, but it needs to be way smoother/faster for that.
  2. L

    Chuck - Now on Netflix

    Nice find. I'll have to watch these, since I only watched the show every now and then. Sometimes it got a little too goofy, but other times it was brilliant.
  3. L

    38 studios Auction Nov 14th and 15th.

    I'd be surprised if EA lets KoA go to someone else. They spent money marketing the first one and it did okay, but the sequels are where they can make easy money.
  4. L

    Rate the song above you..

    That Tortoise track is pretty good, but you have to be in the mood: 8/10. This one is also a bit different:
  5. L

    What are you listening to at the moment?

    I can't seem to get enough of this one: