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  1. M

    League Of Legends

    From what I can tell Elementz mostly saw himself as a leader/captain. He criticized Saintvicious in his vlog and proclaimed himself to be the better leader due to being a captain in a lacrosse team or something. Then there's also his tweet mentioning "too many chiefs not, enough indians" which...
  2. M

    League Of Legends

    Yeah. Making his team wait 2 hours because he wanted to show around a fangirl just speaks volumes of his priorities. TSM wants to get better and Chaox wasn't showing any sort of drive to get better.
  3. M

    League Of Legends

    If they're not communicating in any reasonable fashion then I think that's the right call. I had a bunch of spanish dudes I was unable to communicate with and just picked my top lane champ. I received a lot of "putaaa puta" and "mierda" for it but I carried hard.
  4. M

    League Of Legends

    Everyone in solo queue seems to demand top or mid. Then you've got the duo premade who want to go bot. My best position is at top and I usually call it but shitters just go "no premade" or "I have first pick". They then pick their lane champ, get counterpicked and feed. I've pretty much resigned...
  5. M

    League Of Legends

    Yeah I'm not sure where people get the idea that warding isn't their job. Do they expect the support to walk up the river and ward that bush for them everytime? You purchase the items you need to win your lane. I keep doing reasonably well in my top lane but then I get the "an ally has been...
  6. M

    Dark Souls 2

    I've been thinking about getting the PC version of Dark Souls for a while now. Like LadyVex I'm not too pleased about the state the PC port is in but if mods fix just about everything then I'm pretty tempted. If I'm going to be running the game with better performance, better graphics and who...
  7. M

    Lurkers (reloaded)

    Lurked for years. Registered to support new beginnings and all that cheesy crap.