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  1. Q

    Punk Music

    New shit. Out in September. Boston hardcore.
  2. Q

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    What Donkey Kong game is that? I'm out of the loop.
  3. Q

    Punk Music

  4. Q

    New Progression Server confirmed

    That's just a change; like being able to have more than 2 bags open at once.
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    New Progression Server confirmed

    This. I felt physically assaulted when they introduced AA. I hit max level. Just let me sit in the EC tunnel all day crushing it in my NToV gear. Truthfully, the concept of AA was a necessary addition; something to keep us engaged with the game. As much as I honestly would have been satisfied...
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    Punk Music

  7. Q

    It's Netsmas Time Again! Post For Free +Nets

    I just want to be loved :|
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    [NO Spoilers] Star Wars: Episode 7 - NO PUSSY SHIT

    It was a wookiee in Heir to the Empire that basically bodyguarded Leia and Chewie around on Kashyyyk; not related to Chewbacca.
  9. Q

    [NO Spoilers] Star Wars: Episode 7 - NO PUSSY SHIT

    re: Grand Admiral Thrawn So, after reading this thread/comment about GAT, I ended up having a conversation with a buddy about EP7 vs. GAT Trilogy and I started remembering how fucking incredible Grand Admiral Thrawn was as a character and how well written he was. I never realized it when I...
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    Godzilla (2014)

    Ugh, leaked footage gone. Ineedto see this but where?
  11. Q

    The Documentary Thread

    Late to the party replying here but, yes. I actually bought it on DVD from their site when it came out. It's called "Ecstasy of Order". It's actually really good. It suffers from the actual documentarian. He still ended up with a good film in spite of his inexperience.
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    The Documentary Thread

    Did not see Billy West. Very concerned.
  13. Q

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Gwar is amazing though.
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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  15. Q

    Punk Music

    Opposition Rising just released a new EP calledGet Off Your Ass, Get Off Your Kneeswhich is good. This is their second release after theAftermathematics LPwhich is great (and a free download at the previous link). Opposition Rising is the "3rd incarnation" of the legendary DIY punk band Toxic...
  16. Q

    What are you listening to at the moment?

    Christmas music of course.
  17. Q

    RL Picture Thread

    Hah right on man. I saw your username and thought it was unusual since the spelling is unique. Was curious if there was any tie in. Good times.
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    RL Picture Thread

    Tecknoeis the name of my EQ alt
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    RL Picture Thread

    He looks different in that picture than the first W.K. Maybe it's Steeve Mike and I've been had. Let's get to the bottom of this.
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    RL Picture Thread

    It's me and a wild Andrew W.K. that appeared
  21. Q

    RL Picture Thread

    Interesting username.