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  1. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    Released. Too. Soon. It's that simple. The money machine got too hungry and jumped the gun. And apparently the money machine is still calling the shots. This game won't fail because it's a bad game; the game itself is great. It won't fail because the franchise doesn't work for this...
  2. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    It's actually related to the game's 'M' rating. Bethesda is very careful about ratings, so ZOS has to be by association. They need people to indicate their age before they allow access, but they hand out so many beta keys that the test is effectively open anyway. People can lie about their...
  3. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    It's a lesser known side effect of eating lead paint chips as a child. Some people think they can change the world from the comfort of a computer chair by shitposting in forums. In this case, some people think they can impact whether this game succeeds or not. That or they like rustling...
  4. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    Considering that phase and campaign population caps should be higher than after release, and everybody will likely pile into the same two campaign instances again, you should probably temper those expectations. I highly recommend setting a guest campaign to one unpopulated to explore Cyrodiil...
  5. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    There's so much in the last couple pages I want to comment about, but it's late and that bomb that Bondurant dropped just has to be addressed. I really doubt there's any truth to that. The response on Reddit is probably a lot closer to the truth. My bet is that they announced a few changes...
  6. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    I usually strongly recommend starting with Code Academy's Javascript course. It makes learning the basic universal concepts very, very easy and fast. That way, when you jump to something more powerful but also more complicated like C++, you don't feel like you're lost in the woods.
  7. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    Since we're comparing this with EQ, let's look at how far we've come on these terms. I think that will get to the core of what is really being said here (and that thing being said is something I agree with wholeheartedly). My first EQ character. I had a little background playing a druid in...
  8. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    I never have, but I don't think it's a big deal where crafting and selling are concerned. Sitting and repeatedly announcing in /zone "WTS Abbreviated Chestplate of the S.O.B." can get old and boring, and time spent collecting mats considered, avoiding carpel tunnel in crafting isn't really an...
  9. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    You're hitting the simplest solution that would require the least investment of developer time and solve other issues too: reduce the campaign length from that ridiculous 90 days. With this exploit and a 90 day campaign length, the emperor could be some guild-nominated guy who goes through the...
  10. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    That's the exact one. It seems ZOS didn't anticipate entire raids or guilds intentionally allowing themselves to be defeated to manipulate the boards. The way to address that is then to have diminishing returns for players in the same large group or guild. It shouldn't be that so many players...
  11. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    Yeah, but it's pretty much a binary between jaded and fanboi. Going halfway just seems weird, so the only balance is to switch between them with as much honesty as possible. Unless you're writing for a magazine. In that case, you carefully keep track of the community and feed its praise and...
  12. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    Simple: Either everything but health will be hidden from the addon API where enemy players are concerned or we'll be forced to cheat with PvP bots in order to remain competitive. Also, with server load balancing, networking issues, broken quests, broken magicka and stamina regen, and combat...
  13. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    Raid leaders with decent followers will have the quest benefits I mentioned before, and pickup raid leaders are so busy kicking people who log out in group or disconnect and don't come back while advertising slots and sending invites that they can spend a lot of time hitting up the mission...
  14. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    I'm digging like hell because I could have sworn I saw a developer quote that said there are diminishing returns. It may have been on the beta boards, in which case I certainly won't find it. That explains what I saw the other day in the Auriel's Bow campaign during the stress test...
  15. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    There's also typically not a ton of variation between caves and caverns within any relatively small geographic region. Tamriel isn't that large, nor is Skyrim. The entirety of the ESO gameworld is about 2/3 the size of real world London, if I recall correctly. So, the variation that we do...
  16. S

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    Not much rustles my jimmies these days, but getting caught up in conversation on Reddit is usually enough to piss me off so bad my sinuses hurt. It's just the sheer groupthink on that site and the invariant presence of dumbfucks who think they can control what people think by clicking an arrow...
  17. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    I'm sure PRX wouldn't; it's cheap. But if someone is (considering the 2k+ kills, 2-3 hundred scouts/captures required for that 118k in 2-3 hours), then it renders emperor totally moot for others. I really hope I'm wrong about that and those numbers can be pumped out by a good raid. 2k+ kills...
  18. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    That's not necessarily true. In the Pact this last session, somebody had 118k AP on the emperor board (reset every campaign) in 2 to 3 hours of the server opening. There are three possibilities. 1. The developers buffed someone's AP to keep testers from getting emperor (unlikely). 2...
  19. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    Awesome! I'm going to look through your post history to find that. Should have known Rerolled would already have it locked down. What was I thinking?
  20. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    There's one aspect of PvP that I've tried to talk about before, but it got overlooked. It's something that will become increasingly important over time. Patch 0.18 increased the experience gained by killing players. Those who don't see why that's significant probably haven't done the "Kill...
  21. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    Tuco: I've been thinking about applying for PRX, and I've been leaning toward it, but I have a few questions. I saw you mention that you'll be focused on PvP, but people in PRX are free to do PvE too. I want to do everything ESO has to offer, but this raises a concern. Pro guilds take a...
  22. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    Posting a screencap of /zone chat at the end of the beta session before this last one would probably get you banned from most websitesBut when you get down to the smaller groups, it's all bluster. I was on TS with a dude who was studying actual military history to buff up for Cyrodiil strategy...
  23. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    All my beta time has been spent keeping raids full and teaching new players basic stuff in whispers. I'm not antisocial in general, but you do get too old to stomach general /b/tard bullshit eventually. It'll happen to you! ESO does have a somewhat more mature crowd, so if your thing is...
  24. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    What's funny about that (to me) is that I only went to level 20 in WoW because I had too much going on in the real world. For about a year, I was hardly gaming at all. Since then, every time I've thought about reactivating my account and giving it another go, I see shit like JT's drivel and...
  25. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    I've decided to just stop feeding the troll. That one is using the same style of epeen pissing contest probably learned on the FoH screenshots forum. Will it fly? Not this time. QFT
  26. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    Then go play it instead of being a seething cunt to shit on others' fun. Newsflash: WoW has been around a while, and we've already heard of it. If we wanted to play it instead of ESO, then we would be. Based on your behavior here, I'm glad you're staying with WoW instead of polluting other...
  27. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    Right, but I'm not going and posting content-void, vapid shitposts in threads about other games. If you like WoW, cool, but that doesn't mean that everything that isn't WoW will fail. Also, all of my posts have not defended the game. If that's what you think, then you haven't read my posts...
  28. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    More than 100 posts in the WoW thread, almost nothing elsewhere. Real objective and trustworthy opinion there
  29. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    The 1-10 level curve has been softened and players start on the mainland after the tutorial in 0.18, so we're really discussing solved issues. If they'd allow the Coldharbour tutorial to be skipped among alts, since the main already got the intro to the main quest, then they'd have a solid...
  30. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    Ut, Cyrodiil has enough mindless zerglings who have great fun losing already. Letting people in at level 1 would make it even worse. People get tired of explaining how to use wayshrines as it is. If zone chat is filled with stuff like, "How do I equip this sword?" then strategy would become...
  31. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    I went years in EQ unable to hit the endgame due to obligations in the real world. Waiting seven hours to do what you want in a MMO is hilarious to me. I'd say that type should just stick to single player games and use cheat mods. edit: Misread as "Chillihouse," and now I'm hungry for...
  32. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    You have a damn good point there, Ut. A little polish like that could make the difference for the story in this game, but it could also create the expectation that the same will be done in future single player titles in the franchise. I'm willing to bet that it was a development resource...
  33. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    Here's a case in point about reading in The Elder Scrolls. Okay, so you want to get on with the battle because you don't like reading. But you do like uber loot, right? For those not logged in, links. Page 1: 2:
  34. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    Just to state the obvious about story lines, The Elder Scrolls is renowned for its stories and lore. I think due to that, ZOS has big shoes to fill in terms of quest dialogue and story. This also means that reading the quests and books makes perfect sense in this game even for those who don't...
  35. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    I'm not going to say you're wrong, but we shouldn't hold our breaths for that. Right now, Cyrodiil is hot shit and everybody wants a ticket to attend. They're going to push people back out to PvE. This is evident in the 0.18 change that improves XP gained by PK. Those who stick to Cyrodiil...
  36. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    Can we quote this a few hundred times as a collective prayer?
  37. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    Outside of cervidil, I had no lag at all on keystrokes.
  38. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    I must have been bitten hard by the lag monster then. Or it's just crummy luck. I noticed that NPCs can resist now and then, so it may be tied to rng. Damn fine news to hear of it working for someone though! That's the thing to use on a cliff or platform. You're right about pugs for sure...
  39. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    That knockback doesn't work against players, but when you morph it so that it knocks *you* back, that does work. If others have had a different experience, I'd like to know, but I ran about six hours spmming it and only it every chance I got and it never knocked a player back once. Once it...
  40. S

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    Can you explain how melee is gimped? I've played bow exclusively, and every time melee comes at me for 1v1 unless they're level 10, my butthole puckers like I'm about to fall off a cliff because I know that I've made one wrong step that likely means death. That chain gap closer, man. I've...