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  1. S

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    puffy nipples you say? can't have puffy nipples withoutClaire HotCheekz(10:06 mark and you have turbo puff) she has like a boob within a boob. boobception
  2. S

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    even though I hit 99% dicks, I still click his spoilers for the 1%
  3. S

    Oh FFS not again

    Unless you've only been with a small minority of women who fit into the mainstream porn "slit" then I can see how your assumption that only whores and sluts have larger labia has evolved into truth (assuming more sexual activity equals stretching). Get out more, realize not everyone looks like a...
  4. S

    Oh FFS not again

    This man deserves internets.
  5. S

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    SUPRAYOU SAY? oblig:
  6. S

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    so nasty