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  1. S

    Camelot Unchained MMO

    They are really struggling to make money right now. If they don't either figure out a way for people to buy more foundation points for their pledges, or if some pledges don't start just throwing cash at the kickstarter the last couple days, I don't see this funding.
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    Guild Wars 2

    This is how I felt. PRX was fun to play with, but the game got so boring so quick that I just lost all interest in it. WvW, instanced 'bigger' PvP. Wildstar warplots seems much more interesting since it is 40 on 40 so there is no number advantage.
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    EQ Never

    If they do do this, Wildstar has a similar feature of a role that you play as a "settler" where you can actually build towns, upgrade different things, and help build your or your guilds warplots for PvP. Pretty cool imo.
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    Darkfall Unholy Wars

    game is pretty bad to be honest at the moment. which is sad, i was looking forward to it.
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    Darkfall Unholy Wars

    I find it funny how some people are mad they are paying to be able to play in the beta. How come no one complained that they had to prepurchase the game for GW2 just to play on a few Beta Weekend Events. At least Darkfall beta is every day.
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    Darkfall Unholy Wars

    I will be playing with people from PRX and Sick Bastards which was an original clan in DFO, so if you have any questions feel free to send me a message or let me know you're interested and I'll send you some info.
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    Lurkers (reloaded)

    lurked hard, now I actually play with some of you. small world.