Search results

  1. T

    Puzzles and Dragons

    Added myself to the doc. Always looking for more R/D Shiva and Ronia friends. I'm always a bit ADD when it comes to leveling and evoing, so if anyone sees something in my PADHerder that they want me to work on, feel free to add me and ask me to work on something.
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    Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey

    For real.
  3. T

    Puzzles and Dragons

    Ran nothing but SSP all weekend for 7 drops. Got 1 skill up (though it sounds like I should be happy). Still 2 skill ups to go for max...
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    Puzzles and Dragons

    Heals 3000 HP and changes light orbs to hearts.
  5. T

    Puzzles and Dragons

    I mostly just lurk, so I don't have my friend code posted here, but I've been keeping my Gabriel up for this event. Only 2 of my friend running busty Hermes which has worked for me. 386,747,202 if you want and I'll free up some spots.
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    The Pokemon Thread

    US game: 4382-2025-3180 Friend safari unknown, but elite 4 finished. JP game: 0189-9018-5992 Friend safari is flying. Doduo, Woobat, ?
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    Rage of Bahamut - ios/android

    Hey, I was wondering if it would be cool if I request a g invite. My deck is still very much a work in progress, but I'm active all the time. Username darthmaul852.
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    Your Own Photography

    Mt. Fuji
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    Your Own Photography