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  1. V

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    I got the game and the 5 day headstart, will be on tomorrow, planning on joining PRX. This should be fun. Hehe, the Empire in TES lore isn't generally too evil, it has its shades of grey. The Imperials as a race are as diverse as humans. I for one, plan on being a benevolent Emperor the day I...
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    The Elder Scrolls Online

    Having played in several beta weekends, I can say I've seen the game improve, though there's still alot of work to do if I am to be really excited about it. Still, my opinion went from 'meh pass' to 'will most likely buy' as I've seen it shape up. It's not perfect but it has some potential.
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    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    Youre probably right on missing that goalpost, but the kickstarter is only a portion of the game's funding.
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    The Elder Scrolls Online

    I've seen some pretty heavy handed criticism of ESO while going through parts of this thread. Its obvious that many think it'll be a huge fail and a hit to the IP, but nothing very clear. Can someone summarize whats awful about it and why it shouldn't get my money on day one?
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    Falling out of love with gaming

    It happens to have a dry spell. Great games dont come out everyday. I know even though I'm 30 I still love gaming because, my real problem isn't that I don't love games anymore. Its that when I get hooked on a title, I play it so damn much I burn through the content too fast and then I'm sad...
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    Games that gave you the most bang for your buck

    Paradox titles; Europa Universalis 3, Crusader Kings 2 and Victoria 2, mostly. Theyre ridiculously addictive for strategy/history nerds. Of course quite a few MMOs sucked way too much of my time too, but given their higher costs and monthly fees, its harder to call them absolutely best value.
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    Tomb Raider (X360/PS3/PC)

    I had fun with this game. Yeah, the tombs were easy, but you know what? I used to check walkthroughs every time to play Tomb Raiders and figure out the puzzles, go ahead call me a n00bThis game I beat without looking online once, did all the tombs, and I felt the challenge in figuring things out...
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    Neverwinter: PC

    If you need the help, it's rather simple to grab Khalid and Jaheira before tackling that Ogre. For marginally more effort, you can face him with Ajantis and Kivan to boot. Nobody said you had to clear zones the moment you stepped into them; the early game is all about forcing you to adapt to...