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  1. V

    you find a meteorite, there's an accident at the lab, whatever

    Spirit Magic: Users are able to use spirit magic, that revolves around channeling, summoning or using the power of spirits to achieve their goals. Users may have to strike a deal with the spirits in order to use their power and to keep using it. The users can summon spirits, use spiritual...
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    DayZ, Arma2, Arma3 is stating the Client/Server Architecture is functionally complete, and they will be doing a large scale test 5/29. I assume if that goes well, Alpha may be announced shortly after... well that is my hope anyway! :-D
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    DayZ, Arma2, Arma3

    Definitely looking forward to the Standalone. Have not played the DayZ mod, but loving what I am seeing as far as what they have in store for DayZ Standalone. In fact, didn't see this video linked in thread, so if you haven't seen it: DevBlog 1 of 2 from PAX East 2013
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    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Thank you kemuel!
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    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    I definitely appreciate the feedback, I already have Cataclysm on my account. I am still on the fence about getting back into WoW and dropping the cash for MoP (looks like I just missed a sale so its back up to $40). It does look like Stormrage would be a good server to jump on as you...
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    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    I have not played in years, and never had a character above 20. I am a very casual player, and thinking about starting up WoW again for something to play. Would it be good to start up again now? And if I did, is there a server where you guys are all playing on?
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    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    Have not seen, no do I think one is set, an official release date. I am just hoping that I can get chosen to get into Beta. Never played the first release, from all the bad things I heard about it. But I am looking forward to this release.
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    Torchlight 2

    Awesome Game! Got to New game ++++ with an Engineer. Thinking about starting an Embermage (Frost focused) or Berzerker next.
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    Ni No Kuni (PS3)

    Had not heard about this game until this thread. Looks like an awesome game, will probably pick it up when it releases!
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    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    Signed up for Beta, looking forward to seeing this game. Did not play the original from everything I heard about it. But will give the Reborn a try. :-D