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  1. W

    Where To Watch Online

    Bad news. Looks like wiziwig is dead. | Free Live Sports Streams on your PC. Watch Live Football, MLB, NBA, NHL, NFL and more...
  2. W

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    What's wrong with that? It can be a gameplay mechanic. People want it to be brighter? They need to create light (torches, lanterns, whatever)Plus it increases the importance of ultravision-giving items.
  3. W

    EQ Classic? Not really.

    I recall back in the day having to run EQPlayNice in order to be able to alt-tab out. Wasn't it around Velious release that SOE relaxed their stance on that?
  4. W

    Project 1999 - Making Norrath Great Again

    If you're retarded enough to promote plat selling on this forum, and if you weren't selling it why were you promoting it, then who knows...
  5. W

    Project 1999 - Making Norrath Great Again

    Didn't see this mentioned but: fromEQMac and Invitation to Mac Players - Project 1999
  6. W

    Project 1999 - Making Norrath Great Again

    Server and forums completely down right now. EDIT: Aaand it's back, new patch deployed earlier today also. Update your spell file if you didn't already.
  7. W

    Well, now what?

    At this point, original EQ with 2012 graphics seems more appealing to me than anything actually in the pipeline. Yeah, I know. Not gonna happen.