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  1. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    Finally got devil Shiva up. With that and fully awoken Ronia, all I need is like 3 Rodin and I'll finally have an endgame team! Ran out of dragon flowers for baby tama evos of all things. How random.
  2. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    I would assume yes for anything with a high HP boss. My Shiva's max awoke, have to hope for better luck getting devilits tomorrow for the evo. Keeping fingers crossed. Only scrub level (high 50s) though.
  3. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    Sorry naga farmers, I hoarded the drops. Six naga in seven runs. Operation "max skill a three star for score attack rollout" is off to a solid start, until the inevitable skill up trolling.
  4. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    So they announced Eva collab next month... looks like every single thing from it isn't much good except the extra rare REM drop which is very impressive and the skill ups if you have GOdin, Isis, Devil Luci. Am I missing something about the other REM mobs or are they pretty much straight...
  5. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    One stoned Zeus with DQ Hera/Ronia team with no awakenings or skill ups except friend Ronia. Could have been zero with a better Ronia active split or probably less gimpy match on my part. Hadn't bothered to run it before, so still net zero. Now to get dat light xp so I can farm twinlits...
  6. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    Not a terribly useful observation, but damn, that's an impressive collection. I'll ask the obvious - why on earth do you have the four apple drawns? I can't imagine you ever running one, even as a bind immune resist. The Hello Kitty I & Is make sense, thought, with those nice awakenings...
  7. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    I know that feel. Except I didn't have my RSonia, so I'm not too peeved. Rolled straight after it on prevailing theory and got a Divinegon (technically gold) and then a Genie. Other were just skill up fails. 30 stones for Sonia wasn't the hardest the REM has done me, though.
  8. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    I had crazy good luck off of pal. 12 various kings, 2 tamadra and 2 moltdra off 50 rolls, plus a lone plus egg. It was raining xp. I'm not sure I can handle trifruits, though. Would like to farm just for Tama but I don't think my matching skills suffice in a two second window. Seems crazy fast.
  9. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    Yeah, both Odin's got that with 6.3 patch. It's pretty nice. On another note, I think I won this collab. Got My Melody and pudding dog in 3 rolls, got the invade monster, got my stone. Ready for the next event plz.
  10. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    Mine's easy - six tamas, all to BlOdin. Awoke a few other cheap things, but nothing that costs xp like the heartbreakers. Enjoying free challenge mode stone farming, though.
  11. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    I've got you one-upped on dumb there sir. I ran 50 stam poring 4 times today to make a mastering to awaken the one I have. Only after I fed it away did I learn that update's not in the US yet. Go me!
  12. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    I'm with you and Ted - only four rolls because Twinlits, but I got a lv 30 Shaitan and a level 30 Ame no Uzume. Yay for the only Jp 2.0 NOT worth a single damn. At least I ulti'd Hera. Cost about 3-5 stones a run though, will hold and try to find a btter option. Horus sucks for that dungeon...
  13. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    I considered it, but getting an over 20k HP team to run Hera was rather prohibitive. 5% difference on the leadet skill doesn't sound bad, but at the types of numbers you're talking about for descends, it can be a surprisingly large problem.
  14. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    I've been playing my account on two devices for months, I just migrate a lot. Migration is fast and simple. Beats trying to circumvent the system and losing access for a week until they restore you.
  15. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    Yeah, legend just ate my lunch. I'm on board with the hoping for BlOdin skill ups during 2x drops plan. This dungeon seems pretty rough compared to basically every previous collab... guess we're getting to the point that without awakenings and such, the road might be getting rougher. Here's...
  16. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    I dunno, there's always the chance you'll get a first floor like I did with the lady and a Pierdra. Since something dropped always on the first four floors during 2x, it was like I couldn't fail! (Except that I have no Pers, so it dropped that) 21 runs on 2x netted 11 Pierdra for 2 skillups...
  17. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    None of the descended gods are REM gods, and vice versa. They'll do it for 4 stars, but to date never for 5 star or Gods. Given that REM is their primary monetization strategy, probably not happening ever. Count me in on the 1500 stam for 3 DJ skills crew, however.
  18. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    Welp, looks like I'll be farming a third valk sometime when Goddess descends again.... Speakings of valks, is the skill up for her stupid rare? I've only done 5 total runs at birds, but I've never even seen the thing. Combinecthat will having to evo and throwing stones at the next Porings is...
  19. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    So since I want to skill a second valk the for eventual second ulti form that was announced, what's the "I have no Luci" plan for gold, if any? Seems like the pre-empts make Horus tricky with the mass jams and darkening. Hope it isn't 3 hours of double Uriel....
  20. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    Yeah, sorry. Didn't realize until my second try, which ended the same way, how crucial it was that Neneko starts at 2 timer. Did get it done again on try 3, bu my prize was another Neneko for my nonexistant Hatsume, a chest and a plus ninja. At least the plus does me some good.
  21. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    Double Tyrannos leads, echidna, phoenix knight, Gigas, ice samurai ogre. Gigas was max skilled, but nothing else was skilled at all. Only awakenings were helper's Tyrannos, and I suspect they were non-essential. Hardest part was I got to floor 4 too fast and had to wait for ice ogre one turn...
  22. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    I must have been looking legend when planning my team, because I just cleared master in about 15 total turns and got the drop. Maybe took five minutes. Might even get a free stone if I can do as well on legend after I sleep. If not, I can probably squeeze a second drop out of master for a...
  23. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    Congrats! I have much respect for people clearing things with crazy underpowered teams, and that's certainly a solid example. Anybody rolling with both light keeper and ifrit is good in my book. Reminds me of running Hera with noel dragon as a sub... those were (not really) the days.
  24. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    Man, I'm jealous of everyone's Robin. Tried 4 pulls and got 3 Catwomen and the common Batman. Feels bad, man.
  25. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    So if I'm over 30 runs in at ECO and haven't got a Dumpty, is there any reason to keep looking for one? Seems like 1.5x, while nice, isn't worth chasing if I've got everything else I want from there finished.
  26. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    That explains why I saw you with level 70 I & I up yesterday. Almost thought you just had your account hijacked or something. Test drove that Awoken Athena of yours on a quick rainbow keeper run- pretty sweet! With proper gods, the RCV really isn't missed that much.
  27. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    Well, 0 for 12 on Venus skill-ups so far. Looks like I need to wait for the 4 week skill-up dungeons if I don't want to throw stones.
  28. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    Hah, I just looked up evo mats for the Lakshmi skill-up mon. Two keepers of water means 50 stamina per monster, or 250 average per skill up, and she goes to level 11. Someone at GungHo must have been traumatized by Lakshmi as a child. Guess I don't need to skill a mon I reall don't use after...
  29. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    Huh, that doesn't suck. Of course, I don't have the heart makers that I could skill from out of there, sadly. And skilling Lakshmi won't make her not suck. Still, a solid choice by Gungho, even if not as amazing for me personally.
  30. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    Nice work everyone who picked up a Valk. I got a second (spent one stone due to sheer stupidity on my part), but I need more levels on WR before I even sweat starting the second. Second's unskilled for now anyhow. Hoping I can get lucky on a few dub-myth drops from Starlight (or Iris on...
  31. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    Yeah, I've dropped her twice on legend (and wasted 50 on run three when ten turn luci bind rendered my stats insufficient), but no drops. Not sure if I'll bother with a third run, it's definately on the slow and boring side of things. Edit - did a third run, survived ten turn Luci bind due...
  32. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    I think it's just a lot of the more frequent posters tapering off. I can come on every day and tell you that I still haven't accomplished nearly what I should have if you'd like. Another part of it is, with awakened skills being known but not coming for a while yet, I'd be hesistant to spend...
  33. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    Yeah, and I forgot the full team bind too. I'll get the dragon and the stone then spend all my spare stamina in ancients, that place is the pits. Hanzo skillups and cat statues aren't close to enough incentive. Hope the raiding goes well, Sorrows. I never could get the hang of that -...
  34. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    Smoke screen, ten turn binds, random colors to jammers... Sorows, you're totally farming this latest dungeon to max the dragon, right? It's a hoot!
  35. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    Yeah, each one shows up in a given level and then they rotate where they show every two days, if it's like previous events. has the schedule for the rest of today; if tradition holds all knights will move down one stage at midnight.
  36. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    Well, I had a couple so did some pullin'. Cupid Cupid ... maybe I should quit? Nah, one more. Viper Orochi. Remember kids, the beers will never lead you astray.
  37. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    Dang, this upcoming event is solid. Definately wasn't prepared for a Hera-Ur arrival this fast, though. I appreciate that they dumped the stones two per day in the front half so I'll have them all by the descends I'm more likely to run (still rough for Valk runners, though).
  38. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    Which will give them an extra 100 HP and 50 Atk at max, and raise their team cost to 40.
  39. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    Speaking of powerleveling, I rolled a Uriel and realized now my Noel Dragon Rouge is nothing but a sweet, sweet mass of XP. Shouls I feed it to: Shiva (after evo) Uriel (after evo) Valk (currently Great level 37 - and if so, before or after evo?) Horus (currently evolved level 60) Goemon...
  40. W

    Puzzles and Dragons

    That's why I stopped when I did - I didn't necessarily roll anything great, just something different. Also, grats to DF and Sorrows on your Zeus Dioses.