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  1. Z


    I suppose you can say that with some comparisons to DAoC, although MJ has said he is not making DAoC 2. Unlike CF, in CU we will be building the actual RvR battlefield. Players create the keeps, and walls, and towers and go and attack the enemy realms. You will be customizing your abilities and...
  2. Z


    I gotta ask. Why are you guys so for this game, but hate Camelot Unchained? I backed both(Early Amber), and will play both. The hate for MJ seems to be in the wrong place when it comes to WAR though, since EA were the ones that pushed it out the door before it was ready, then fired MJ.
  3. Z

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    No, but you can do something like THREE-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION (commonly known as a ?lifetime? subscription) that is renewable after three years, for $1 per year (as per Kickstarter policy) Which is what Camelot Unchained did.
  4. Z

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    Everyone needs to calm down. There are 40 days on this Kickstarter. It's not going to fund in the first day. It was a nail biter on the Camelot Unchained KS, it may be the same for Pantheon.