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  1. D

    Home buying thread

    @Chaotic.. I"m not a homeowner so take this with a grain of salt. If you make 44k/yr right now I would say wait. Even though you"re "Guaranteed" six figures 5 years down the line. It"s too risky. You"re a Police Officer if I remember right, yes? I"m not sure what job security is like for you...
  2. D

    Home buying thread

    Read through some of this thread, good tips here. I"m planning to buy a house and was just curious as to how soon is too soon? I wont be moving for at least 12 months. At what point should I start getting in contact with a Realtor/Lenders to get the ball rolling?
  3. D

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I guess the "living breathing world" thing about MMO"s is dead with all this talk about offline rewards and browser based bullshit. When you log out, your toon goes to sleep for the night. Nuff said. First it was zone maps. Then it was crazy addons that tell you when to take a shit. Next...
  4. D

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Exactly, think of all the reasons you have ever left a job. It"s not always because the company is shit. If he did in fact get canned.. well then good for 38 Studios then, right? Obviously if he got fired there was something about him that wasn"t fitting well with the company.
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    That"s understandable. From that last sentence it sounds like he got canned. Haha.. kidding (or am i?!?) All the people who get caught up in the politics of a company who they are not even remotely a part of kinda make me chuckle. I"m personally holding any opinion I have of your company...
  6. D

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Isn"t it a CEO"s job to manage mostly? I don"t see her resume taking on much in the ways of gaming (Comcast casual gaming service vs. MMO.. yeah) but, I think that has little to do with being a CEO. She could be one hell of a manager who knows how to get shit done. I can"t find anything on...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Personally, story doesn"t mean shit to me when it comes down to immersion. A good world, and good lore isn"t even what makes immersion in my eyes. Providing the player base with the tools to create community, and a world, that"s immersion. All this single player style story arcs, phasing of...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    That works just fine in the early stages of a new MMO, but as time goes by the gear-gap gets larger and larger. As you add content, there will always be people that dive head first into it, and then people who don"t. The people who work for it, get it and then roflstomp the people who didn"t.
  9. D

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Amen. I agree with everything you said. But, it"s gonna be a looong time before any MMO company realizes this, and acts on it. If it ever happens. There are too many asshats who just like to steamroll people because they put more time into the game. Then you have the people who just like...