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  1. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Heroic is simply having a part to play in a larger epic. Not everyone can be "THE" hero, but everyone can feel heroic. Personally, I find that building my characters skills or doing things required for said skills to be heroic...but only if I have to do them myself. Furthering my character...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    The thread was created by a gamer and Curt just happened to a gamer AND as the owner of said company. The ability for him to jump into this thread and give and take, even without being able to tell us much, gives at least the illusion that he could pile right into a group of us with...
  3. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Grouping should give you access to abilities that are group oriented. Soloing should give you access to abilities that are solo oriented. Incentivize grouping. Make it a game play device that improves your character rather than just a means gather loot and are gathering skills for...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I am just thrilled that they are going for a more artistic vision rather than realistic. I want a fantasy game to look like a fantasy world thats larger than life, brighter, fuller, darker, deeper, and overall more vibrant than reality. Most fantasy artwork has an ethereal quality to it, an...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I guess I haven"t ever seen anything that points to any issue with pricing structures. The growth of these games has always been a function of how good the game is rather than what was charged for it. Would Vanguard have a million reoccurring accounts if it was free with advertising?? Would...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    That pricing study sounds goofy to me. Of course people are going to say they want to get things for free, hell, thats a standard answer for everything. It essentially just sounds like the non-MMO players were unaware of what an MMO actually was more than anything else. If you explained it, most...
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    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Life is a funny thing. We all get our share of heart breaks, lost chances, and stupidity. My heart break is a very short story, doesn"t involve cheating, crazies, drugs, or other interesting things. The love of my life, wife, soul mate and dream girl, died in February. It is a brick wall of...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    This type of stuff is what gives me hope. We know nothing about the game, there is no smoke blowing up our asses and nothing is even known of the IP, yet I can see what I consider to be competent business practices being used. It appears as if 38 has a firm handle attached to the project and...
  9. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Having people that are experienced in the raid scene is good, but you also have to not allow yourself to fall into the current box of raiding. Raiding stacking?? raid switching? Healing assignments?? Tanking?? Consumables?? etc, etc When you"re using what has gone before as a template you...
  10. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    It is nice to see that your just as much of a game nerd as the rest of us Ngruk. So many of the guys in charge of these games are more, well, intellectually oriented towards the games rather than a player of the games. They think terribly hard about wonderful ideas for the games rather than...
  11. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    That kind of brings in the guild as an institution rather than a social convenience. I would love to have guilds and guild halls be more meaningful, be the holders of the power. For instance, if you have to get keyed that is something that comes from the guild. If the guild is keyed then you are...
  12. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    If housing is tied to character or guild progression in some way then you are on the right track. When it just a perk, a place you can go to get things you can get in a lot of other places it is just an add on. People want meaningful ways to progress their characters, make them individuals...
  13. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    PvP folks have one thing in common...they like to play against other players. One does it because other players can add an aura of intelligence and unpredictability that isn"t available in AI. The other does it because they want to drink the sweet, sweet tears of loss when they rampage...
  14. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    You don"t have to build a WOW killer to compete. In fact, I doubt you could kill WOW at this juncture with an MMO that gives free beer and blow jobs. People keep looking at it from the standpoint that you have to bury WOW, steamroll it, and utterly waste it with uber coolness and subs to...
  15. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    In this market space they are like glass compared to others. The non-nda beta, the open beta, test server hosting the newest raid zones. You may not be able to get behind and into the non-game stuff very well but when it comes to their MMO they have been the most transparent company to date.
  16. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I think I would have to disagree Max. The younger crowd may have a higher percentage of growth but the age range keeps getting wider and wider as more and more people start embracing online activities. You also have a safe environment for family play in MMO"s. 10 years ago we had kids and...
  17. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    That reminds me of the folks that say there shouldn"t be any more fantasy books printed because they are all derivations of Tolkien. Its closed minded ignorance more than anything else. And you also seem to have a bit of confusion....stories are pretty universal....genre is what you are trying...
  18. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Innovation and evolution have absolutely nothing to do with genre. You may change between guns, swords, magic, tech, city scapes, forests, space.....but in the end that is just an overlay on the mechanics. That overlay is very important but it has little to do with how advanced a game may be.
  19. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling one post you say they are different yet now you say they are the same?? I daresay you are more than a bit confused.
  20. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Define drive and can you provide an example of said dark elf??
  21. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Its still just a car. It does the same exact things the other cars do. A Toyota is a car, a Chevy is a car. A WOW is a fantasy ip, a 38s is a fantasy ip. It is a direct correlation.
  22. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    You keep getting stuck on the numbers. From all appearances it does seem like you equate it to an all or nothing game. If they bring out a quality game, a polished game, a fun game, an engaging game, then they are very much competing with WOW. Every single release from 2004 on by other...
  23. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Brad and Vangard did practically everything wrong. They did not even acknowledge wow...Brad bashed it as nothing until even the most diehard fan was calling him an idiot. He had huge expectations in his head but he did not put that into his product. Hell, he did not even have a clue what...
  24. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Ya know...thats just silly Rayne. You don"t start a business and include in your business plans your chase for mediocrity. You shoot for the stars and attempt to do everything right so that even if you don"t hit your target you still do damn well. You"re damn straight you step out with an...
  25. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Thousands and thousands of people had been playing it for months AND telling everyone about it. Their open beta was 8 months long. Their beta was more fun that most peoples second year...thats why it did so well. When you have 8 months of free advertising saying our game rocks you do...
  26. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    In my guild, which is pretty casual family type of guild, some of us had gotten into beta and loved it. Out of the 6-8 folks that were in the beta only 2 of those had played Blizzard games before and it wasn"t Warcraft. In the guild the numbers are about 2 out of 10 had heard of Blizzard...
  27. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I would say you are missing the point Rayne. LOTR had an arguably LARGER IP to draw from and it did worse. Why?? It was a sucky game. WOW got a grand kickstart with its IP but that doesn"t retain or create anything other than initial purchase from fans. SWG got a grand kickstart....LOTR...
  28. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    There is a niche crowd that likes this....very niche. Then there is this legion of folks that think they like it because of the rose colored memories they had of something similar. Tons of those same folks strode with confidence onto the WOW PvP servers and talked big and then quietly rerolled...
  29. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I find this part rather funny. I would hazard a guess that the average age of my guild is probably 10 years older than you are etch. Your probably what...30?? Maybe a touch more?? The outlook that you have is what I generally associate with kids...but then I am a whole decade or so older...
  30. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling really are goofy as hell. I go out to those places all the time. I walk past all those people to get to what I want to do or to get to my friends. Same as online. If I need to interact I do, but only so far as it is relates to what I am doing. Thats just life and it is reflected...
  31. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Doesn"t mean I have to play with them. :P I have been in the same guild since 2000, play in groups nightly, and always have more offers to play with others than I can accept just from my guild mates. Why should I care about others?? I have dozens of people that I look forward to spending my...
  32. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    WOW may be 99% soloable but it is 100% groupable. Its a choice. When given that choice we have found that most people solo...but its still a choice. The options are there but people just choose not to take them yet still somehow manage to bitch about it constantly. I like instances, they...
  33. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I think you are missing what he is saying. Its not about gaming, its not about IT....its about Project Management and a implementing it at level above what you see in most companies out there. A lot of companies believe they have project management and QA/QC under control but if you...
  34. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Nah...most don"t raid. A very large number of them haven"t finished the 5 man content let alone heroic content. Yes, percentage wise, more have raided than in other games but it is still a minority.
  35. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Well, to be fair, WOW introduced choice into the system rather than removing anything. They gave the player a choice and most went for the faster, easier, or the perceived better method. If anything WOW laid bare the fact that most people are selfish bastards and will do whatever benefits them...
  36. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I play these games to have fun. I play with a pretty standard group of friends and my guild pretty exclusively and always have. I don"t pug unless I happen to be standing in front of something and someone asks me if I can tank if for them and when I am done doing that I get out of the group...
  37. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    It always feels like "balance" is the holy grail that everyone chases. Is it really necessary?? Do I really want everyone to be relatively equal everywhere?? Every character should be fun and be useful in the world and that is the main consideration. Some should be more useful in certain...
  38. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    There is no reason you can"t have all varieties of quests. The small tasks that the npc"s in the area you are in need completed, the exploration type, the kill quests, the collections, the fedex, the find so and so, and huge chains and epic quests. They can all be there and actually all need...
  39. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Well, if we use the WOW system as an example, the larger the number of quests that you can see and pick up the less most people tend to read them. A very large number of people don"t even bother to read the quests, other than the requirements, and treat them as something that moves your exp...
  40. G

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I never really worried about reused assets in WOW. I hear people talk about the same mines, or the same little hole in the wall, or the same inn, and wonder why it bothers them. Its a very small item slapped into a brand new locale with different mobs and goals. Now, if they reused...