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  1. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    hahaha, fag.
  2. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Its strange to see adults in their late 20"s-30"s over think something so simple. Act like a man with a cock, and talk to women. Make certain there is absolutely no confusion about said cock and you want to do with it... Just being assertive will get you pussy that the most witty and...
  3. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Are you Doctor Who?! I don"t believe Ive ever seen the term wrt used. Anyone who dedicates that much time and effort to create an illusion with no tangible benefit has some fucking issues. Even if we restrict the crazy to lying that is more than enough evidence she is not someone you want to...
  4. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Unless you are really committed to the relationship I wouldn"t get involved with her burning bridges with the fam. It creates a large obligation. I LEFT MY FAMILY FOR YOU?! I HAVE NOWHERE TO GO! Id just tell her to stop involving you by telling you about it. Its not a problem unless she makes...
  5. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Everyone is probably going to break up anyway at some point, regardless of anything.
  6. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    She started talking shit TO you or ABOUT you. If she is talking shit directly to you and you already ate her shit with a smile I am not sure what you should/could do without turning nasty. You should have confronted that shit the instant she gave you lip (in the respectful but smarmy passive...
  7. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Sounds like you have a lethal case of being ugly.
  8. G

    Most memorable comic book moments

    Gravel! Not sure if these have been mentioned yet, Fables, Invisibles, Miracleman and Shakespeare must die are all good. I like Scalped but I have not read the others beyond an issue or two of Chew.
  9. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Doesn"t matter, he dated her at the very least asking for permission is required. This is not a court of law quibbling of the details as if its pertinent is in itself an indication you are a horrible friend.
  10. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    This is in fact a violation of the brocode, an egregious one at that. It would end my friendship with someone for sure. Someone whose willing to get grimy over pussy will get grimy over anything.
  11. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    That would be my point, yes. Ding ding Not interested in it either, but sometimes thats how it goes down! To be honest beyond novelty neither appeals to me. Its like 69ing, novelty but not very practical nor very pleasurable.
  12. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Hahaha This is dependent on the level of your sexual inhibitions.
  13. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Thats because you are tainting something that is pure and wholesome with your insecurities. MMF is in all likely how humans were supposed to mate.
  14. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    There was one vagina and two cocks, they made it work haha. Other than novelty and taboo group sex really isn"t anything special. 99% of its appeal is the telling your friends about it.
  15. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    And let me guess winter solstice was defined by consumerism...haha? Its good of you to stop tho.
  16. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    If any of those things were derived directly from human suffering and misery it would be the exact same scenario. And you can claim it would be those things, sadly before it was the "thing" it wasn"t. So I would have to disagree. Its like saying before Christmas was likewise created as the...
  17. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    wtf double post
  18. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Bitches be demanding Rolexes as a prerequisite for marriage now too?! My argument is that the expectation of a diamond ring is an engineered desire derived from a marketing ploy. It doesn"t seem like you are disagreeing with that so I am uncertain why you keep speaking to me.
  19. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Excellent then I am glad we are in agreement. You know with the stipulation that this societal norm was crafted with intent form those selling diamonds...
  20. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    So you think women would demand diamond rings if a diamond ring wasn"t ingrained via marketing and through that as a status symbol? BZZZZZZT wrong! The "expression of love and commitment" is one clearly documented and cataloged by those selling fucking diamonds. Here try this out, have a male...
  21. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    I believe if the diamond was actually used to murder someone it increases the value.
  22. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Indeed, who needs a ring to show ownership status after you have already traded your balls and soul.
  23. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    HAHAHAHA, dear god.
  24. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    What the fuck does that have to do with you lying about said incident on this very fucking page? Hurrrr durrr. This tends to happen when one posts bullshit. See when you post the truth you tend to recall it. Or what if she is a horse?!
  25. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    I really hurt your vag with that grey haired, fat and dating horses eulogy didn"t I, hahah.
  26. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    That you dated a chick for 3 months who wouldn"t allow you to come to her home nor explain the reasons why and you accepted it? With the secondary point being you just fucking lied about your and her actions during said situation.
  27. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Shocker you are a lying dishonest cunt!
  28. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Yeah, bro. Because its an issue of culture when your girlfriend of 3 months continually lies and refuses to discuss a very pertinent topic that is obviously causing you some emotional pain and you are too big of a nancy to force resolution.
  29. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    I dunno I didn"t take note of you until your "girlfriend" of 3 fucking months wouldn"t allow you to come to her fucking home.
  30. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Seriously, how a chick broke-up with her previous dick is how she will break up with you.
  31. G

    Most memorable comic book moments

    Reading Lore an IDW comic. Urban fantasy setting with some awesome art. I highly recommend it.
  32. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    I cant even figure out what you are championing beyond fail. That having a horribly dysfunctional home environment is a good thing for children and the adults involved? What kind of slug could "pretend" to having a happy home in such a marriage? I cant figure out wtf you believing you are...
  33. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Wrong, pure and unnatural monogamy benefits females infinitely more so than males. See males can impregnate an endless stream of females ensuring their genetic continuation. Females on the other hand have significant risk and time investment for each act of child birth. No such limitation exists...
  34. G

    Most memorable comic book moments

    Oh marvel is way fucking ahead of the curve compared to DC. I really dont read either label beyond Vertigo/MAX. I dont think ive touched a DC comic since blackest night (I think thats the arc).
  35. G

    Most memorable comic book moments

    Continuation, just changing it up significantly. At least thats what I believe haven"t been following comics lately. I want to vomit all over Marvel in general.
  36. G

    Most memorable comic book moments

    Im kinda on the fence for the reboot of the punisher. Previously he was humanized (bleeds and gets his ass beat) but is still the terminator. Now it seems like they pussyifiying him up a bit. Not sure how its gonna play out. I didnt like the Bullseye shit much either. Kinda corny for a book...
  37. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Your life must be a fucking disaster. I am trying to ponder what level of self ignorance is required to simply to oblivious to the fact you randomly cum in some chick and for the next several decades you are now beholden to a life you did not choose. I guess when people dont have any personal...
  38. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Your mother was lying to you.