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  1. I

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    my 2 cents utnayan has gone wwwinsane, potentially a nice guy, his self-induced internet stardom has become his primary motivation for continued existence. I feel sorry for him and am convinced he will commit suicide if he is excluded from the tubular world. /quote Another thing - Brad...
  2. I

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    I"ll use up this space on your monitors to say that I like Vanguard in its current state, it has been the first game in years that has had me come back to pc gaming, and I want to give a big two thumbs up to the sigil team hoping they stay true to their path and continue making this game fun for...
  3. I

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Could you give us any example of anything that was brought up in your brainstorming sessions that sounded cool on paper but was scrapped due to it being realistically impossible to implement. Just a tidbit of an idea that will have to wait for future generations, I thought it would be nice to...