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  1. K

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    It"s not just women who do this, but they do it more often. Husband has a nasty habit of waffling over shit that takes me precisely 2 seconds to decide. I always attribute it to the person knowing that option A really would be the best (most rational) but they want to do option B for whatever...
  2. K

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Cam, you might find the second letter interesting. Ask Dr. NerdLove: Moneygrabber The site is actually quite amusing to read, and you might find it helpful in your future romantic endeavours. The author seems good at explaining the romantic (social) interactions to people who are not used...
  3. K

    Long full disclosure

    Beware what you wish for... this whole thing started because people were willing to shove things in her. Next you"ll know, she"ll shit a brick and get disability for that too.
  4. K

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    This. Giving ultimatums does not work with addicts. They"ll do the song and dance about never lapsing again, while already thinking about ways to hide their addiction from you. Regardless of what you do, start securing your finances. You don"t want an addict to have full access to all your...
  5. K

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Just get rid of her. Lithose is right with his question, there"s no normal circumstance where what your girl is doing would be considered acceptable. Also, consider this. If you give into her need of emotional drama this time, rest assured next time she needs her attention fix, she"ll do the...
  6. K

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Saku, of course. Used to play for TPS, my home town team.
  7. K

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    That depends entirely on just what/who you are. If you"re white-ish, reasonably fit with "romantic" accent (American, Irish, Spanish etc) you probably can land more women than you know what to do with. Especially if you throw in some some old-fashioned manners like opening doors and pulling up...
  8. K

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    You could just say that you understands she needs some alone time and that she should feel comfortable in just sending a text or calling stating so. Worked for me and my husband when we were dating. These days I just grunt "I"m reading" and he goes away to do his own stuff, leaving me to my own...
  9. K

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Mind you, it doesn"t have to be family though. In every apartment building where I"ve lived, there"s always that one nosy granny who keeps tabs on everyone, and operates the local grape vine about how the girl in 2B is such a slut, brought a man home on a Friday night. Europe, US or Asia...
  10. K

    Adventures with lyrical - buying a business

    I"m curious about this, could you give some more concrete examples of the cuts in expenditure you made?
  11. K

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    This is not really an issue. Even in WoW, people will shit on you if you try to roll on healing/tanking/DPS items and you"re not that spec. Shadowpriests, ele shamans etc are told to go fuck themselves if a healing item drops that the actual healer in the group needs it. Ditto for any other spec...