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  1. Q

    Most memorable comic book moments

    Batwing #1 featuring the batman of Africa.... Red Hood and the Outlaws #1 featuring Jason Todd leading a team of anti-heroes including Arsenal (with both arms) and Stafire. How the $%#@ is Starfire an "anti hero" ??
  2. Q

    Most memorable comic book moments

    The problem with the DC mobile app or the Marvel mobile app is that you have to already know enough to download the app and that already hamstrings the "stumble across" marketing opportunity. Get in bed with Apple and get them to have a seperate "Comics" tab on itunes and watch your market...
  3. Q

    Most memorable comic book moments

    I bet if they made the comics downloadable for $0.99 day-and-date on a widely used media interface like iTunes they would make a ton of cash. I think many people would read them if they didnt need to worry about the physical space for em, and lets face it a comic is nearly perfect for a tablet...
  4. Q

    Most memorable comic book moments

    Im getting the vibe that the relaunch is going to fully embrace the 52-universes concept and get all the characters of the DCU out of each others back yards. The rumor sights are reporting that the Wildstorm characters will be featured as part of the "DCU" in the relaunch and really there...