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  1. S

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    That was incredibly true for the first few weeks after release. Every group I was in was a complete wash. That"s one reason I quit. Progressing any further felt virtually impossible due to the "grouping" requirement (for any real progression) and the fact that anyone with any skill had already...
  2. S

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    The beginning of the fall was when they nerfed player damage. Then dramatically increased mob defense (and dps.) Talk about extremes. In 2 patches (or so) the game went from dynamic and fun to slow and painful. I just don"t quite get where making players relatively weak is in any way fun...
  3. S

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    Haha. Well the FoH board is the home of the E-thug from what I"ve seen. It probably started here =D
  4. S

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    I"d bet that"s more a function of the "chaff" being filtered out. That is, most of the unskilled players are not around anymore. That"s not a criticism, but an observation. Vanguard is hardly the kind of game novice MMO players would succeed in.
  5. S

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    I guess I can see that there might be some example of what would be necessary to "beat" WoW, but I think it"s simpler than that. There"s basically two perspectives, or approaches, to building an MMO for success. The first is you can take the WoW approach and build a high quality, artistic...
  6. S

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    That"s essentially what I meant Twobit. Running through an area out of combat and gaining agro is one thing (even then depending on mob type it can be tricky, but I"ve ran through level 30 areas at level 12ish and survived, just takes good survival skills ;D). Escaping in combat is much more...
  7. S

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    I"d agree the line is a big part of it. The problem I think is in taking a grouping first approach. I think people equate that with WoW"s problem (problem in that certain people dislike the "effort" aspect of it). By making the game so favor grouping over solo play (which is NOT synonymous...
  8. S

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    Well one thing you say is true. The death penalty isn"t bad if you recover your corpse. But that"s the rub. If you do anything truely "challenging" then corpse recovery is a real issue. If you chose to forgo recovery then exp loss is significant.
  9. S

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    That"s the problem. You can solo ANY game to max level, even if it"s 2x worse than Vanguard... but who in their right mind would want to? Just because you CAN does not mean it"s even remotely enjoyable. And unless you are a highly skilled warlock soloing in Vanguard is not at all appealing...
  10. S

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    Exactly. I"m sure LOTRO has a much smaller budget than WoW (but have no facts to back that up) and it seems to be going very well so far. Playstyle aside.
  11. S

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    VG was a LOT of fun near the beginning of Beta 3... then the nerf bat hit. Exp was nerfed. Player power and mob power "dps and hps/defense" were raised a LOT. From then on it was down hill. The game went from being very enjoyable (even with the other issues) to being a grind and tedious, just...
  12. S

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    Another thing that comes to mind Brad is what happened to bringing back the things that made EQ great? And I"m not talking about the grind ;D I"d have to say that to this day nothing stands out in my mind as an exceptional MMO experience like Velious. Nothing comes close. The dungeons. The...
  13. S

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    Brad, the rub here is that Vanguard appeals to one type of player here, and that"s the player who can deal with (and enjoy) grinding. Or at least the feeling of such. Vanguard has lost sight of what brought players to these games in the first place, escapism from the tedium of every day life...
  14. S

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    I disagree that making a game solo friendly is dumbing it down. What I think Sigil forgot, or didn"t "realize", is that you can have both group and solo content in the game. The problem with Vanguard (well one of them) is that by forcing group only advancement (and anyone who thinks it"s not...
  15. S

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    Pal I doubt you have a clue what the difference between challenge and grind really is. But I"ll give you this. You are 100% right. Some people do like to pay to work. I guess you guys are like missionaries. You"d prefer to work for no reward because that"s what gives you so much satisfaction...
  16. S

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    So here"s some examples of what might save Vanguard. Significantly increase the exp given by 2 dot mobs. Increase the number of quests that only require killing 2 dot mobs. Decrease the ability of mobs to chase you down when escaping. Do away with corpse runs OR the exp lost from...
  17. S

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    It"s easy. Brad talks out each side of his mouth depending on who he"s trying to convince. He"ll say out one side, to forums and press, that Vanguard has something for everyone. Then out the other side he"ll justify the fact that it appeals to very few by saying "you can"t please everyone all...
  18. S

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    I have a fine ride through life but thanks for the concern. And if you are an intelligent person you understand hyperbole as well. In any case I doubt that anyone can argue that Vanguard wasn"t hyped to high heaven and many promises made and broken. Have you noticed that Vanguard seems to...
  19. S

    Why all the nerd rage against Vanguard

    Want to know the reason for the rage? We paid for the game AND we had hope that Vanguard might actually be something special, especially after all the hype and visionspeak and undelivered promises. People don"t like having their dreams shattered and their 50 bucks wasted. Aside from that...