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  1. T

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Since this thread is now onto politics and yet still a MMORPG thread I will mention that I am now reading George R Martin"s Fire and Ice books and the political framework of that book, the multiple wars, the huge number of lords, everything like that put into a MMORPG with a elaborate faction...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    If this is true then this is a truly phenomenal thing. I like this idea SOOO much more then another new island expansion, WOW"s old world lore was rich and I am looking hugely forward to seeing the new version of it and seeing it take the center stage again.
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    FF7 was close for me, I actually got into the storyline, the flashbacks of Cloud"s former life, the past of Shinra, the death of Aeris, I gotta say alot of that game"s storyline got my interest. That said it was no small feat, it required all those flashbacks to the past, it required the...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Pretty happy that it was that hard. I like starting a new character with a new story in a new world. I liked reading up on the gods and choosing which I wanted to commit myself too (although I think this should be done in game with a quest-line and that has specific rewards much like a racial...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Only thing about this stuff I feel quite strongly about is the mini-games should not be tacked on games that have nothing to do with the world and instead be IN-GAME things. Often it was mentioned that boat journeys in EQ needed some type of game to while away the time, Gems was pure fail...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I actually never played Diablo, don"t have a clue how it worked. I hate random loot as well, if a person had no life and went back 100 or so pages one might luck out and stumble upon a post of me saying such. I would rather see loot like EQ"s Guk did, the frenzied ghoul drops the sash, the...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Dude, shhh, I am trying to make a point and the word "role" is used because you play a "role" in the games.... I was trying to mask that... you are screwing this up man.
  8. T

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Starting a new post for this because it would be buried and it irks me even more then the above. When creating a MMORPG alot of people say "don"t forget the "RPG" aspect" and I agree, these games need to link character development to the actual world and the things the character does alot...
  9. T

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    So, anyhow back to games for a sec. One of the things bugging me of late in WOW (there are always afew) is the blandness of the itemization due to the micromanaging of the things down to exact ilevel determined stats and precisely determined dmg/dly to be identical to all other weapons of...
  10. T

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    It does not have to be that way, no. Kunark was a very effective expansion IMO and it caused alot of people to reroll, not just Iksar either but alot of people. In EQ alot of people liked the lower level content, they liked the journey enough that each new server saw a huge influx of people...
  11. T

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    WOW touched onto this type of stuff, albeit with kid gloves. The AQ opening was a lore based world changer. I was not in the guild that was forcing the action but at the same time I took part in handing in some bandages and whatnot and remember the hoopla once it opened. That event was set in...
  12. T

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Thank Jebus you disagreed.
  13. T

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    For arena types of events like that where you attempt to equalize gear I would say create a standard gear/weapon set for each class that is PVP specific. In all reality PVP is most interesting when people are NOT one shotting people and a bad RNG role is getting you insta-killed. This means gear...
  14. T

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I know what you are saying, the first few times as a player it is new, the 50th time you have done every jailbreak/slaver escape quest 5 times each and they become repetitious and annoying. The alternative is to simply flag someone as non-pvp able for 15 minutes after a PVP death but the problem...
  15. T

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Yeah by no means was anyone truly cut off from the content, it was just tougher to do it as a opposing faction. I remember to this day the group of us that went to Lower Guk to camp for robes and Ykesha"s, we had a strong group, went into Guk and killed all the darks on the way in, and then...
  16. T

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    EVE does this, it works really really well in that game and created a HUGE thread that spanned a entire huge war that took place in that game and lead to the downfall of the largest guild in existence. What I would like to see is elements from what EVE created in a MMORPG although lesser in...
  17. T

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Control of a zone does not mean you are going to be left with nothing to do. I take it you did not play a server like Tallon Zek in EQ. If you had you would know that while you might not have "easy" access to Lower Guk because the dark elves controlled it you did have access to Mistmore or...
  18. T

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I like PVP to be incorporated INTO the world. Much like Tallon and Vallon Zek did, with the factions having open PVP across the world and battling for resources and control of non-instanced zones. Given that it was open world combat PVE and PVP blended together, if your faction was controlling a...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    This is how I feel about it as well. People whining that a priest cannot beat X class in a 1v1 battle make no sense. Of course a priest sucks in 1v1, their primary focus is healing and their power derives from the support they lend to other classes. In 2v2 even a priest would be a weak...
  20. T

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I think magic and science kind of merge in alot of the fantasy world. Alchemy and it"s relation to greek powder can easily be used in a fantasy based MMORPG and not blow the immersion out of the water. I agree with you that fun is a large part of keeping people into the world but keeping people...
  21. T

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Hand cannon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I was not talking about rifles. Reloaded faster? A crossbow relative to a longbow? You might want to rethink that, crossbows in fact took alot longer to reload then a longbow. A trained longbowman was also vastly more accurate then a crossbow...
  22. T

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Dude, I worked so hard to avoid the use of the "I" word and you just go and throw it out there. Technically ya Twobit is right, and I admit if cannons exist on boats of course from a pure tech standpoint they can exist on castle walls and on a battle field as well, and I can accept that if I...
  23. T

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Gonna disagree. I hate the "steampunk" elements in WOW. I would rather see true high fantasy, which is honestly not all that common. EQ was high fantasy until Luclin, then it was freaking space aliens. WOW was never high fantasy, it was based on the Warcraft series of RTS which had some high...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I would actually like to remain in the dark on how we gain spells/skills and at least get to imagine that maybe elaborate quests/quest-lines, world drops in specific areas like a ancient library that has a long lost spell scroll, a boss mob that uses a certain melee skill that is learned via...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    If the guy actually listens to the concerns of the players on certain key issues, and then follows through with action getting the stuff actually fixed, ya I can go with someone like that. Cannot imagine the guy sucks given the tough crowd here that he has impressed, his resume freaked me out...
  26. T

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    This is a little worrying. Luclin is not exactly the expansion I would want a guy to first be involved with. Kunark was a tremendous expansion, Velious was very good as far as purely high end content focused expansions go, Luclin brought in the AH, space aliens, a sickening amount of model reuse...
  27. T

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    They are for sure going that route given that any character level 68 or higher that is on an account with a level 80 is now going to be able to access a flying mount for WOTLK content. This is ok IMO if they are not going to add new content, especially in a expansion that pretty much has enough...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    There be beta accounts in those there waves! or so some may hope...
  29. T

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    If you kept Brad McQuaid in a cage ala Memmio in the TV series "Rome", throwing him the odd scrap of meat at him, you might actually get the odd reasonable idea grunted at ya amidst all the gibberish.
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I will be honest though, it is a solid 3 pages of entertainment that the dork in me is enjoying.
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I am willing to bet that Curt counts himself as a fantasy "dork" as much as the rest of us. I did not take offense from that in the slightest, I AM a fantasy Dork, and I play pro level 8/9 and 10-ball which unfortunately pays substantially less then being a major league pitcher. I am...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I guess that crushes the hell out of Shakespeare for ya.
  33. T

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Before 2005 the entire MMORPG was far more male dominated as was computer game playing in general. There are alot more women getting into computer gaming as a whole nowadays more then ever before. D&D was a male geek phenomena and the early MMORPG"s simply got those players, EQ was mostly a male...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I thin a sub-niche is fine, aka a Deathknight having a stronger ability to tank as a frost spec, a stronger ability to self preserve with blood talents, and the prefference for AOE and DPS within the unholy tree. What I don"t really agree with is the talents not being a "sub-niche" but...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    After reading back on some posts I was wondering. EVE has alot more ability to function on a "single shard" over a fantasy based MMORPG based on world size/space requirements, a limited number of players compared to a successful MMORPG, the use of PVP to create most of the content and...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I have dreamed about a MMORPG where you don"t in fact pick your class on a character selection screen and instead pick your race and start in the world as a classless human, elf, or what have you. You would then be required to seek out trial trainer areas such as the shady bar where a rogue...
  37. T

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I was thinking a little more polished, a little more flow like playing the actual game where you give the player a quest NPC, get them to take the quest, teach them to use the map to find a group of orcs, kill 6 orcs to complete the quest, go back to the NPC and turn in, see your character ding...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Alot of good ideas in there, I will pick out that one in particular just to mention how cool it would have been to have rogues gain a new melee attack at the commencment of a successful Van Cleef kill. Instead of a trainer giving you the skill for a couple silver have Van Cleef use the attack...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    If you did a small download tutorial/demo that was a 2 level mini version of the game using the same interface as the real game with some simple combat, a hybrid class that does not really exist and does a bit of everything (cast, melee, heal), some small scale profession stuff, abit of loot...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Still agree with you on this type of thing though, Ngruk please put in more of this type of thing and do away with the "ding you are level 22, now spend 120 gold and here is 6 more spells". More then almost anything the game could have I want to have to quest, fight, and explore for the spells...